
As mentioned some time ago, I'm starting to paint a fourth army, after the Dwarfs, the Wood Elves and Chaos. Now it's time for Greenskinzzzz !!! 😁

I've started with arrer boyz: Harboth's Orc Archers, to be precise. Although I own Harboth himself, he will not be part of the unit. He has no bow and I will use him as leader of an Orc warriors unit.

I've painted some Greenskins in the past, some Blood Bowl players. All of them had the same skin tone. For this first unit of my O&G army, I wanted each mini to look unique and hence, I have mixed several skin tones.

To be compliant with the 3rd Edition Armies, I will continue painting the pre-requisites: at least 20 Orc Boyz, 20 Gobbos and 20 Stickas. And 3-4 Goblin Fanatics to go along.

Skulls for Khorne's Throne

One of the most powerful and feared creatures in the Warhammer world, a mighty winged daemon: the Bloodthirster of Khorne!

Finally, I managed to paint it. Actually, it's the first time I paint a Daemon. 😁

I'm quite happy with the result.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 16 (Final)

Dwarfs - Turn 16

The Dwarf bolt thrower pivotes to aim at the archers.

After slaying their second unit of the battle, the thunderers head to the center of the battlefield to support their brothers.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 15

Dwarfs - Turn 15

The clansmen charge the archers. The Wood Elves run away to avoid contact:

The crossbowmen shoot at Imraina Moonhand. A bolt hits the wizard but does not wound her.


The Walking Death

I do not have enough undead to build an army, maybe just enough for an ally contingent. And I have no intention to invest in undead miniatures.

However, skeletons can be summoned by necromancers during battles and during WFRP games, so I decided to paint at least 20 skeleton warriors and 6 death riders.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 14

Dwarfs - Turn 14

Again, Burlok "The Wise" does nothing to regain magical energy.

The thunderers will try to benefit from their numerical advantage by having more figthers in hand-to-hand combat.


The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 13

Dwarfs - Turn 13

Once again, Burlok "The Wise" decides to rest to regain magic energy.

The clansmen have finally finished crossing their obstacle:


Ready!... Aim!... Fire !... (bis)

A new batch of painted crossbowmen, but this time for the Dwarf army. Now I have 40 of them painted.

It's a mix of Citadel and Marauder minis from different periods but all Oldhammer of course. 😇

Dwarf Warriors

I painted a new unit for my Dwarf army: 20 warriors all (except the drummer and standard bearer) armed with two-handed weapons.

These are way-OOP minis from the golden age of GW. Although, I suspect one of them is from Harlequin (the blond one bearing a battle-axe in the front rank). I own them for a long time and decided it was finally time to paint them before moving to a new project: an Orc & Goblin army.

I will certainly use some of the Dwarfs below in my WFRP games as they have the full adventurer's equipment (bags, gourds, walking stick, crossbows, etc.). I particularly like the one trying to read his map, he looks lost 😁.

Ready!... Aim!... Fire!!!

New reinforcements for my Chaos Dwarf ally contingent: crossbowmen!

These guys are very rare on eBay and of course are expensive. I have managed to buy them one after the other whenever the price was decent and now I own ten of them. I will try to get 10 more to build a second unit.


DRAG7: The Dragon Masters

Another legendary miniature from the glory days of Citadel: the Dragon Masters! This one will be aligned with my Wood Elf army. It's a magnificent mini and I enjoyed painting it. Sadly, I do not own the second rider (wielding a sword).

Dwarf Army - at last a real Army Banner

I was struggling to find a decent mini to bear the grand banner of my Dwarf army. Finally, I decided to convert one of my Marauder heroes to play this role. And recently, I found an amazing banner transfer from Little Big Men Studios.

And here is the result:

Elven Attack Chariot

I finally managed to paint one of the legendary Citadel machines of destruction, one of the best (in my opinion) minis ever produced by Citadel: the MD4 Elven Attack Chariot.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 12

Dwarfs - Turn 12

On the  middle of the battlefield, the hammerers start crossing the river to engage the warrior kinbands and the Wood Elf heroes.


The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 11

Dwarfs - Turn 11

The battlefield is now nearly empty... The combats were fierce and devastating.

Dwarf Kings and Rune Masters

Although I play only Warhammer Battle 3rd edition, I own some of the 4th and 5th editions Dwarf Kings and Rune Masters and I wanted to paint them for a long time. This is now done.

Now, I will need to find suitable rules to align them in 3rd edition battles... This should not be an issue for Rune Masters, I can simply consider them as wizards. But for the Throne of Power and Anvil of Doom, this will be another story.

High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer on his Throne of Power

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 10


The Norse Dwarfs charge the Elven Lords in the back. The Elf heroes don't panic.

The skirmishing crossbowmen shoot at the glade runners but without inflicting wounds.

The last remaining crewman of the flame cannon tries to fire but something goes wrong and the machine explodes, killing the poor Dwarf instantly:

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 9

Dwarf - Turn 9

On the Dwarf right flank, the Norse Dwarf warriors descend down the hill to engage the Elven Lords.

During the shooting phase, the bolt thrower aims at the glade runners but miss them. The skirmishing crossbowmen cause one wound to the war eagle rid by Sirwing Feathermoon.

On the left flank, Skrag is still surrounded by the warrior kinbands. Annoyed by these many frail insects, the mighty Ogre leader angrily kills three of them. But is hit in return in the back and sustains one wound.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 8

DWARF - Turn 8

The Dwarf fighting troops are almost all already engaged in hand-to-hand combat. After defeating the beasts pack, the Norse Dwarfs now head for the fight opposing the Ironbreakers and the Elven Lords.


The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 7

Dwarf - Turn 7

Willing to slay more Wood Elves, Skrag The Slaughterer charges the second unit of Warrior Kinbands:

Woods by Citadel

OK, this is something I would probably never have bought: plastic woods by Citadel... But I must admit that if this piece of scenery is correcty painted, it is adding a nice and realistic touch to the battlefield.

So, when I received a gift voucher (for the local hobby store selling GW products) from my stepson for Christmas, I was of course happy to receive such a gift. But I asked to myself "what am I going to buy there ?...". Apart paints and brushes, I didn't buy any Citadel minis for years. Well, this is not exactly true, I buy Oldhammer minis from eBay, but not the new stuff.

However, I found it was a shame to buy paints and brushes with a gift voucher. So I went to the store and - among several other minis I bought with the voucher - I found a box of these nice trees. I said above that I would probably not buy them because: they are expensive and fragile (and honestly a pain in the a... to build). But considering it's a gift, it's OK for me.

So now, here they are, painted.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 6

Dwarf - Turn 6

On the Dwarf left flank, Prince Ulther's Dragon Company finally joins the fight. Its warriors charge the shapechangers in the back while they are engaged in combat with Skrag The Slaughterer. The Elfs panic and flee, but they will not go far: the three of them are hacked by the Dwarfs and the Ogre commander.

Dwarf Slayers

After painting around 150 Chaos figs since the beginning of the year, I decided to do something else... 😋

So here comes a second Slayers unit for my Dwarf Army (I've already 10 of these mad guys, painted three years ago or so). But this time, these are Giant Slayers + Heroes.

The two identical figs with the hammer are rather Troll Slayers than Giant Slayers. These are from Marauder. But I have enough Troll Slayers (non-painted) to reach the 3rd edition Armies limitation. So I decided to count them as Giant Slayers.

The other figs are from Citadel, except the two high level heroes (last two pics of this post): they are from Avatars of War.

Group Shots:

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 5

Dwarf - Turn 5

On the Dwarven left flank, Skrag The Slaughterer charges the Warrior Kinbands armed with spears. Despite the frightful sight of this Ogre tank charging them, the Elves hold their ground.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 4

Dwarf - Turn 4

On the Dwarven right flank, the Troll Slayers continue to flee...

The Ironbreakers look stoically at their fellow mates being destroyed. They cannot help them because of the menacing Elven Lords that are already at charge distance.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 3

It has been a while since the last post about this epic battle... played in December 2018. But writing a battle report takes time, especially when the armies are 7'200 points worth. Anyway, here is the summary of turn 3. I hope I'll be able to post turn 4 soon.

Dwarfs - Turn 3

Eager to avenge the Ogre Shaman, Skrag the Slaughterer charges Hazelfern the Treeman. And his mercenaries charge the wardancers.

Big, Ugly, Stupid... but Strong

I love Trolls and I often place some in my WFRP scenarios. The first time my current players party met one of these big guys, the Troll Slayer of the group was delighted... at first... But when he pierced the monster's huge belly and got splashed with the Troll's corrosive acid, he was less happy and had to use 1 Fate Point to avoid a horrid death.

For WFB, I will use them in both my Chaos army and my future Orc and Goblin army.

More Chaos Dwarf Firepower

That's it, all Chaos Dwarf war machines are now painted. I'm looking forward aligning all of them in a huge battle against Wood Elves or Dwarfs. 😀

Blood for the Blood God !

and skulls for Khorne's throne !

Here it comes: my first painted champion of Khorne. This one will certainly soon cross the path of my WFRP party. My players will taste his mace tail and bloodthirsty axe. 💀😈

Chaos Core Troops

I finally managed to put together a band of 20 Thugs. These minis are either hard to find or too expensive now.

This unit is a mix of different manufactors and periods of production. Some of them are even not referenced to as Thugs. But anyway, I find they go along together pretty well. 

The unit is led by a Chaos Marauder (the one with the eagle helm).

Sadly, I didn't manage the matt varnish spray very well. The colors of some of the minis look dull. 😞

Chaos Shock Elite Troops

At last: Chaos Warriors !!!

A unit of mighty Chaos Warriors led by a powerful Chaos Champion. All (except one I think) are Jes Goodwin sculpts. They are all among my favourite minis.

A New Band of Beastmen

My Chaos Army is still expending. Here's a new batch of Beastmen, armed with two-handed weapons. This is a mix of old Citadel minis (sculpted by Bob Olley and Jes Goodwin) and 4th or 5th edition Citadel minis. 

The boss, the standard bearer and the drummer are Marauder minis. I will swith them with those of the first Beastmen unit I have painted as the first boss I painted is holding a battle axe and the new one is bearing a shield.

Whiplash !

...Bang your head against the stage like you never did before
Make it ring, make it bleed, make it really sore
In a frenzied madness with your leathers and your spikes
Heads are bobbing around, it's hot as Hell tonight
Adrenaline starts to flow
You're thrashing all around
Acting like a maniac

(extract of 'Whiplash' by Metallica)

So, here we go with these two Chaos Beastmasters. An old one procuced by Citadel in the 80's and the Marauder one produced a few years after. They come along with their six pets (4 Citadel and 2 Marauders (the biggest ones)).

Some Misc. Chaos

I've painted two additional minis for my Chaos Thug Archers unit. One of them is a Beastman Archer. It must be the only one produced by Citadel (unless I'm not aware of other Beastman Archers). This is quite strange and frustrating. Anyway, according to the 3rd Edition Armies, Beastmen are not supposed to use bows. 

So, I've decided that he will reinforce the Thugs unit as I don't have enough of them at the moment.

I've also painted a new pet for my Sorcerers: the "Jaw" familiar.

Short, Mean and Ironclad

After painting the Chaos Dwarf war machines, I decided to paint Chaos Dwarf warriors so that I can align an ally contingent of these mean little creatures.

This unit of 20 is a mix of old Citadel and Marauder minis. It was hard for me to choose a leader for the unit as any of them could do the job. The leader could possibly be the Master of Madness but, unfortunately, I do not own this mini. So, I decided to use a mini from another manufacturer (Hasslefree). This one is taller than the other dwarfs of the unit and his posture makes him look like a boss.

I also had to convert one of the Dwarfs into a standard bearer.

To complete this Chaos Dwarf ally contingent, I've also painted a sorcerer (with a familiar). I love this mini, particularly the hand grenade at his belt.

Group Shots

The Ultimate Destructor

One of the most terrifying Chaos creatures has been awaken from his loooong sleep by terrible storms. The mighty Dragon Ogre leaves his deep mountain cave and join his peers in battle.

The Dragon Ogre will crush any opponent fool enough to find himself in his path.

Chaos War Beasts

The Chaos Army can align an large variety of war beasts. Here are two of them: the Manticore and the Chimera.

For a long time I wanted my Manticore painted. It's now done. I've already used it (unpainted) three times: once on the battlefield against Wood Elves (3rd edition) and two times in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition scenarios (in the first book of the Doomstones campaign and in a home-made campaign taking place in Norsca).

The Chimera is from the Reaper Bones range. It's a cheap plastic figure and a good alternative for OOP Citadel minis. Its size is quite big though, twice as big as the Manticore mini. I should have taken a pic with the two minis side by side, but I forgot.😟

I'm really satisfied of the result.

The Manticore

Engines of Destruction

After the Whirlwind shown some days ago, here are the long range Chaos Dwarf war machines: the mortars and bazukas !

Chaos Sorcerer and Friends

Another recruit for my Chaos Army: a powerful Sorcerer. This one is an old model from the 80s. Easy and fast painted, but I really like his original pose. He comes along with two friends: Chaos Familiars from the same period.

Whirling Death

Today I present you the new addition to my Chaos Army: a mighty, bone-crushing, and dreadful Chaos Dwarf Whirlwind!

I was lucky to find this (very rare) mini from ebay recently, for the (not so expensive) price of £32.00...

It will be devastating, riding along my Chaos Knights to wreak death and destruction in the enemy panicked ranks. 😈😈😈

Mounted Chaos Magic

A new addition for my Chaos Army: a mounted sorcerer.

Chaaaaaarge !!!

To complete my Chaos Army painted figures, I decided to add some heavy stuff: Chaos Knights. These guys will leave broken and jagged enemy corpses behind them on the battlefield.

These figs are a mix of old and less old stuff.

Group Shots 


Chaos Thugs

Here comes the second unit for my Chaos Army: Chaos Thugs Archers from Marauder. The pictures are of poor quality. Too much light, their skin looks pale, I tried to correct this but the result is not good 😒.

Beastman Hero and Chaman

I've painted a Beastman Hero for my first unit of Beastmen, as well as a spell-caster:

Beastman Hero

A New Year Start - painting a new army

Hi dear readers, Happy New Year!

After painting 300 minis in 2018 (mostly Wood Elves and Dwarfs, but also a few Ogres and minis representing characters for Warhammer Roleplay) + a lot of scenery, I've started painting a new army since the early days of this new year: Chaos! Hence, I bet the number of painted minis will be lower by far this year.

And who else than Beastmen represent Chaos the most? Beastmen are the core of any decent Chaos army. I've put together a unit of 20 Beastmen, a mix of Jes Goodwin, Bob Olley and 4-5th edition minis. The unit is led by a mighty Beastman Hero from Avatars of War (but this one is huge and will most likely end up as independent character, a mighty level 20 or 25 Hero).

Group shots:

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 2

Dwarfs - Turn 2

On the right flank, the Dwarf warriors - covered by a screen of two skirmishing units (both protected by the Arrow Invulnerability spell) continue their (slow) progress towards the Elven lines.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 1

Dwarfs - Turn 1

Once his troops are in position, King Brokk Ironpike doesn't wait a single second more and launches the assault. With a roaring battle cry, the Dwarf warriors, in massed ranks, march to meet their ancestral enemies as fast as their short legs allows them to.