The Battle of East-Loren - The Armies & Deployment

From the east, the mighty Dwarf Army - led by its King Brokk Ironpike "the Grim" - reaches the hills at the Grey Mountains' feet and starts deploying as soon as the Wood Elves are detected by Josef Bugman's rangers. Some of the King's troops take a position behind the low walls of an abandoned dwarven outpost, while the bulk of the forces will try to reach the woods as fast as possible to engage the Wood Elves in hand-to-hand combat.

At the edge of the forest, on the other side of the narrow valley separating them from their ancestral enemies, the Wood Elves led by Prince Sirwendil Silverhead prepare themselves for battle, carefully observing the enemy movements, on the lookout for possible weak points to exploit.

Side note: the following limitations have been set for the army selection:
  • Wizards up to lvl 20 max (to avoid magic having a decisive impact on the battle).
  • Forbidden magical weapons: Frostblade and Enchanted Wound.

The Battle of East-Loren - Introduction

The Dwarven citadel of Karak Norn in the Grey Mountains stands on a high plateau dominating the Loren forest. Its strategic location allows the Dwarfs to keep an eye on the Wood Elves' activities from a good distance, although the Elves are no more a treat for the Dwarven race since the victory over the Phoenix King four thousands year ago. The Dwarfs and the Wood Elves now respect a (quite nervous) ceasefire and avoid each others. But on this cloudy day of Sigmarzeit 2513, a mighty Dwarf army - led by King Brokk Ironpike the Grim - marches to war, descending the mountains from the citadel of Karak Norn and heading for the Loren Forest.

Prince Sirwendil Silverhead (warden of east-Loren): A great dwarven army ? Are you sure ?

Skarloc (scout captain): I saw them myself, they were descending the Grey Mountains. Hundreds of Dwarf warriors, led by their King Brokk Ironpike, himself. They will soon reach the hills at the mountains feet.

Prince Sirwendil: Mmh... the fools, what are they up to?... Well, I will mobilize as many warriors and archers as I can. In the meantime, Skarloc, you will head for the hills and meet with the Dwarf King. You know what to say: no armed force is allowed to enter our sanctuary. They shall not pass! 

Skarloc: Ay! So be it.

Prince Sirwendil: Be careful, my friend. 

Skarloc: Always.

My Wood Elves


The Wood Elves is my second painted army. I have started to paint them at the beginning of this year and 2/3 of my Wood Elves are done now.

My Dwarfs

Hi Oldhammerers and welcome to my blog,

This is my first post and I would like to inaugurate this blog with pictures of my painted armies: Dwarfs and Wood Elves.

The Dwarfs

I started collecting Dwarfs about 30 years ago. The first I have painted are Norse Dwarfs (who are not shown on the pics below because I consider them to be part of my Norse army), then I have painted the famous Prince Ulther's Dragon Company. And then, I didn't paint at all for almost 20 years... 😩

Three years ago, for multiple reasons I will probably speak of some time, I started to paint again (massively).

Although I still have around 200 Dwarfs to paint, I think the army below is mighty enough now.

The pictures are not so good, I'll try to improve. And I'll post some individual pics of each unit as soon as possible.