The Red Bard Alternative

Some time ago I've been looking for Gruntas and Snortas to add cavalry units to my Orcs and Goblins army. I managed to get some from the well known auctions site, but not enough. And I didn't want to go over a certain price. 

Then, I found - I don't remember how - some Orcs riding boars on the site of a new Spanish miniatures manufacturer: Red Bard Games. While visiting their site, I was surprised to see that they've also produced an Orc riding a War Wyvern, an Orc shaman riding a boar and a complete O/G baggage train. I found also a pair of nice Ogres and two Dwarf carts. Then, recently, they've also added a Gob shaman riding a Cockatrice and three Gob Fanatics. Last but not least, they have also procuced a Daemon Asscannon! 

All of these minis are a more than good alternative for old school miniatures. Their size, their look, their attitude are just perfect and fit well with the rest of my army. They are 3D printed in resin, easy to assemble and with no mould lines.

Here are some I have just painted.

Orc Boss riding a War Wyvern

Plenty of Gobbos

A Greenskins army's asset is the number. The more the horde is numerous, the higher are its chances of victory. That's the reason why the units of my O&G army are big (e.g. 40 Gobbos with spears, units of 30 Orcs, etc.). My last addition to the army is a big unit of 50 Gobbos (some armed with a hand weapon and a shield and others with 2-handed weapons). In the future, I may purchase more Gobbos to make two distinct units, each with their own weapons options.

As usual, the minis come from different manufacturers: Citadel and Marauder of course, but also Black Tree Design, Knightmare Miniatures, and some are from Heartbreaker. However, what they have in common is that more than 95% of them have been sculpted by Kev Adams, the Goblinmaster.

Group Shots