Greenfield Grasshuggers

Long time no Blood Bowl post. At last, here is one brand new painted team (the tenth): the GREEEEENFIELD GRASSHUUUUUGGERS !!! Terrific, no ? 😉

Okay, I know, I already hear you say "They have absolutely no chance to win a single game.". Maybe, but at least they'll try, these tiny joyful creatures are very courageous you know. And they are not coming alone. Thanks to the good relationship they maintain with the creatures of the forest, they have convinced two mighty Treemen to join the team.

New Beastmen

25 new Beastmen with halberds/spears join the Chaos horde. These are a mix of 5th edition (I guess) beastmen and old school minis by Bob Olley and Jes Goodwin.

They are led by a Slaangor sculpted by Jes Goodwin. The standard depicts the logo of W:O:A (Wacken Open Air - one of the largest heavy metal festivals in the world).

Group Shots