Carroburg Schwertspieler

"Among the Empire's most-storied regiments, the Carroburg Schwertspieler (or Greatswords) have earned their bloody reputation by slaying all comers in defence of their home city. Their fame dates back to the Age of Three Emperors. In 1865 IC, they successfully defended the city of Carroburg, then under the control of Reikland, from the count of Middenland. Throughout the course of the battle, their white uniforms were stained red with blood. Since then, they have worn crimson uniforms in remembrance of that day."

Here they are, a mix of fourth and (I believe) fifth edition miniatures. Among them, you'll probably notice an old mini of the 80's as well. This one is slighlty smaller than the others, but that doesn't matter, lost in the middle of the pack no one will notice. :)

Group Shots



Bonus - a  Grey Wizard

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