A New Year Start - painting a new army

Hi dear readers, Happy New Year!

After painting 300 minis in 2018 (mostly Wood Elves and Dwarfs, but also a few Ogres and minis representing characters for Warhammer Roleplay) + a lot of scenery, I've started painting a new army since the early days of this new year: Chaos! Hence, I bet the number of painted minis will be lower by far this year.

And who else than Beastmen represent Chaos the most? Beastmen are the core of any decent Chaos army. I've put together a unit of 20 Beastmen, a mix of Jes Goodwin, Bob Olley and 4-5th edition minis. The unit is led by a mighty Beastman Hero from Avatars of War (but this one is huge and will most likely end up as independent character, a mighty level 20 or 25 Hero).

Group shots:

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 2

Dwarfs - Turn 2

On the right flank, the Dwarf warriors - covered by a screen of two skirmishing units (both protected by the Arrow Invulnerability spell) continue their (slow) progress towards the Elven lines.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 1

Dwarfs - Turn 1

Once his troops are in position, King Brokk Ironpike doesn't wait a single second more and launches the assault. With a roaring battle cry, the Dwarf warriors, in massed ranks, march to meet their ancestral enemies as fast as their short legs allows them to.