More Warrior Bondsmen

I've painted a second batch of Warrior Bondsmen. As usual in my Norse army, the minis come from several manufacturers. This time, I've added four minis from V&V Miniatures. They are a bit taller than the others and very realistic, you'll recognize them easily among the others. About these minis: if you plan to buy some, be aware that you'll need to be patient (I received mine two or three months after ordering them). Also, they are cast in resin and are multi-(very small)parts (a real pain in the a... to assemble them).

Group Shots

Bondsmen Archers... and a Volva

The next unit painted for my Norse army is Bondsmen Archers. When Vikings were setting sail for expeditions, they usually had one bow per oarsmen' row.

As usual, these minis come from different manufacturers: old Citadel models, Bronze Age Miniatures, Red Box Games and Foundry.
