Blood Bowl !

After the Wood Elves, the Thugs and the Ogres I've painted recently, my initial plans were to get back to my Orc & Goblin army. But then I don't know what went wrong... Ah yes, maybe: I found an old Excel file I have created a long time ago and that contains a project of Blood Bowl league based on the second edition of this game (including the new rules from the Blood Bowl Companion book).

This file lists all the teams I can assemble with the BB minis I own (OK... for some teams I need to order some extra minis, which I did this morning... and a complete Norse team and a complete Slann team).

The league will be organized in two conferences (AFC and NFC), each containing three divisions (Central, Eastern and Western). Each division will consist of three teams. So if we sum up these, the result is 18 teams in the league! This will look like this:


I decided to paint more Ogres (yes, I painted 6 two years ago). The first one (on the left on the pictures below) is a very muscled Ogre mercenary sculpted by Bob Olley. The others are all from Jes Goodwin's C23 series.

Thugs on the Hunt

These Chaos Thugs archers will join the 14 others I have painted last year. They are accompanied by a Chaos Hound (that will join the 6 others I have painted last year 😁).

They look as if they were sent by their Chaos Lord to track down some human preys that are fleeing the ravening horde.

Two of them are old Citadel (rare) archers and the others are the well known archers from Marauder.