Chaos Reinforcements

These days, I'm painting minis for completing shelves of my display cabinet. I'm painting 4 or 5 armies at the same time. Some are already populating a full shelf in the cabinet and some are nearly. So I focus on these last ones. This was the case for the last Wood Elf Warrior Kinbands I painted last month. Now the Wood Elf shelf is complete (but I still have enough unpainted to populate the third of a second shelf).

I'm currently doing the same with the Chaos army, in the form of reinforcements for existing units. Five Minotaurs and five Beastmen are now ready to join their comrades on the Chaos shelf 😛. Next, I will paint a brand new unit: Chaos Centaurs. I think this will be enough to complete the Chaos shelf. After that I may be starting the second shelf of my Orc & Goblin army (either Biguns or a big unit of Gobbos). Arrrh so many minis in my leadpile... 😢

The Minotaurs are from several manufacturers: Citadel, Marauder, Black Tree Design and Heresy Miniatures. The Beastmen are all coming from Knightmare Miniatures (their Chaos range is pure Oldhammer and they go along well with Citadel miniatures, both in style and size).


More Wood Elf Melee Troops

A third band of Warrior Kinbands joins my Wood Elf army. Now I have 60 painted. These are classic Jes Goodwin sculpts, like the others. I've also painted a wizard to accompany them in their frequent patrols to secure their domain.

Group Shots