Steam and Black Powder

New war machines for my Dwarf army! The legendary gyrocopter and the swivel gun. Two pieces each.

The two gyros models look very similar although they were produced in different eras. They fit well together as thes have pretty much the same proportions. One could be the older model piloted by a veteran pilot, and the other one a more recent version just issued by the citadel engineers guild and piloted by a young ace. 

The rules for using the gyros in WFB 3rd edition can be found hereafter. I do not remember where I found them, maybe in a White Dwarf.

The swivel guns were cast by Marauder Miniatures. I really like the posture of the crewmen, especially the loader (and did you notice his repeating pistol?). For the basing. I have used cork for the first time to represent the rocks. I found them in 3 mm thick sheets. I'm quite happy with the result.


Ready! Aim! Fire!!!

Adding more firepower to my Dwarf army. Here are 10 Thunderers & 4 Crossbowmen. I have also painted a drunk warrior that has been left behind by his comrades to avoid him shooting in their back with his pistols by mistake...  and a hero on a pony (this one seems to be ME15 Mounted Gimli released in 1985, but the pony is not the original one).
