Skaven Scramblers

The Skaven Scramblers (NFC Eastern Division) are quite good for a Skaven team. They even won the Blood Bowl twice (in 2477 against the Middenheim Marauders and in 2478 against the Gouged Eye). Yes, twice in a row, it's the only team in the whole league which has achieved this exploit.

This season will be tough for them though. The two other teams of their division, the Vynheim Valkyries (last season finalist) and the Dwarf Warhammerers will be serious opponents.

As usual, the team contains enough players to allow for flexibility in the team creation. It is made of minis from 2nd and 3rd edition.

Group Shots

Darkside Cowboys

A lot of people don't like the Dark Elf minis for Blood Bowl 2nd edition. Some even convert (Wood) Elf minis (and even Wardancers) to stand for Blood Bowl Dark Elves. I was a bit mixed myself. In this team, I particularly like the Throwers, the Kickers and the Linemen.