
"Wardancers are courageous and incredibly athletic warriors. Their style of fighting is fleet and agile like a deadly 'dance' which cuts a swathe through their foes."

I painted the last unpainted Wardancers of my Wood Elf army. Seven of them have been sculpted by the master Jes Goodwin, the others are more recent and quite nice minis. Now I have 40 of these guy ready to dance with the enemy.

Group Shots

Massive Physical Presence

"Zoats are mysterious creatures which are so rarely seen that for many people in the Old World they are subject to legend and fairy tale rather than reality. They seldom stray far from their woodland habitat where they sometimes associate with Wood Elves. One of the strange facets of Zoat society is that they have no 'heroes', only wizards.

Zoats are large, rough-skinned creatures whose massive physical presence and superficial ugliness shields a cunning intelligence and deep-seated passion for arcane lore."

Here we go, with two Zoat warriors. One is the first version of that mytical creature. It is smaller than the latest one. Let's say these are the father with his son. 😋 I really like these miniatures, especially the bulky one. Some years ago, I've painted the Zoat wizard, I'll take a picture of it.

Dwarf Warriors

Again I have painted some Dwarfs. Usually I alternate between several armies at the same time (O&G, Chaos, Empire, Wood Elves & Dwarfs). But I wanted to complete one of the shelves of my cabinet on which is displayed my Dwarf army. This is now the case with these 32 Dwarf warriors. I have just enough remaining room for a 8x4 unit.

This unit contains two standard bearers and two drummers. The duplicate models will be joining a unit that will be painted later on.

Next I will paint some Wood Elves and friends.

Group Shots