
As mentioned some time ago, I'm starting to paint a fourth army, after the Dwarfs, the Wood Elves and Chaos. Now it's time for Greenskinzzzz !!! 😁

I've started with arrer boyz: Harboth's Orc Archers, to be precise. Although I own Harboth himself, he will not be part of the unit. He has no bow and I will use him as leader of an Orc warriors unit.

I've painted some Greenskins in the past, some Blood Bowl players. All of them had the same skin tone. For this first unit of my O&G army, I wanted each mini to look unique and hence, I have mixed several skin tones.

To be compliant with the 3rd Edition Armies, I will continue painting the pre-requisites: at least 20 Orc Boyz, 20 Gobbos and 20 Stickas. And 3-4 Goblin Fanatics to go along.

Skulls for Khorne's Throne

One of the most powerful and feared creatures in the Warhammer world, a mighty winged daemon: the Bloodthirster of Khorne!

Finally, I managed to paint it. Actually, it's the first time I paint a Daemon. 😁

I'm quite happy with the result.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 16 (Final)

Dwarfs - Turn 16

The Dwarf bolt thrower pivotes to aim at the archers.

After slaying their second unit of the battle, the thunderers head to the center of the battlefield to support their brothers.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 15

Dwarfs - Turn 15

The clansmen charge the archers. The Wood Elves run away to avoid contact:

The crossbowmen shoot at Imraina Moonhand. A bolt hits the wizard but does not wound her.


The Walking Death

I do not have enough undead to build an army, maybe just enough for an ally contingent. And I have no intention to invest in undead miniatures.

However, skeletons can be summoned by necromancers during battles and during WFRP games, so I decided to paint at least 20 skeleton warriors and 6 death riders.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 14

Dwarfs - Turn 14

Again, Burlok "The Wise" does nothing to regain magical energy.

The thunderers will try to benefit from their numerical advantage by having more figthers in hand-to-hand combat.