Of Wolf and Man

Ulfwerenar means 'wolf-warriors' and is the word used by the Norse to describe those able to transform their shape into a grotesque half-man half-wolf. Such individuals are quite common in the north, where whole families of these Weres live in forest settlements.

And here they are. Half of the unit in man form and half in were form. They will alternate in the first rank of the unit: when they transform I'll put the Weres in the first rank, otherwise the men will be in. As mentionedd in the Norse Army supplement published in White Dwarf by Nigel Stillman and Rick Pristley, it is not necessary to have duplicate models for all minis in the unit: 

'Note that in practice it is enough to tell the opposing player a unit is composed of Ulfwerenar - it is not strictly necessary to have duplicate models.'

Other minis painted at the same time are five warriors that will complete existing units.

Group Shots