Dwarfs - Turn 16
The Dwarf bolt thrower pivotes to aim at the archers.
After slaying their second unit of the battle, the thunderers head to the center of the battlefield to support their brothers.
After slaying their second unit of the battle, the thunderers head to the center of the battlefield to support their brothers.
The crossbowman champion, now sole survivor of his unit, tries to eliminate Imraina Moonhand. His bolt misses the wizard.
The crossbowmen shoot at the archers, but none is wounded.
Filendil Ravencrest is now alone to face Durak "The Hammer" and Morgrim Tryggson:

The falconer hero tries to hit the Grand Banner bearer but fails. In return, the Dwarf heroes inflict three deadly wounds to him:

The now badly wounded Wood Elf general kills another Norse Dwarf:
The crossbowmen shoot at the archers, but none is wounded.
Filendil Ravencrest is now alone to face Durak "The Hammer" and Morgrim Tryggson:

The falconer hero tries to hit the Grand Banner bearer but fails. In return, the Dwarf heroes inflict three deadly wounds to him:

The now badly wounded Wood Elf general kills another Norse Dwarf:
And the Dust Storm kills two clansmen:
Burlok "The Wise" tries to cast a Fireball on Imraina Moonhand but his low magical power doesn't allow him to do so.
Wood Elves - Turn 16
Skarloc's guards pivote to aim at the Dwarf heroes:
The war eagle decreases speed and climb to pass over the hill:
The arches kill two more clansmen:
The guards shoot at the Dwarf heroes but their arrows do not pierce their heavy Mithril armour.
The last hand-to-hand combat of the battle results in a draw: Sirwendil Silverhead fails to wound a Dwarf and his opponents do not hit him.
The situation on the battlefield at the end of Turn 16:
By mutual agreement, the two armies decide to end the battle. The Wood Elves let the Dwarfs pick up their dead and their wounded, watching at them from the hedge of the forest.
Many a hero (too many in fact) found a heroic (or not) death during this fierce battle. But at least two of them could be saved, badly injured but alive: Glam the wardancer and Josef Bugman.
In terms of victory points, the Dwarfs are (shortly) ahead of the Wood Elves and one could say that they are the winners. However, they have lost their King and also could not enter the Loren forest to retrieve their lord's heir, who is himself certainly also dead.So, both generals agreed on a draw.
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