The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 15

Dwarfs - Turn 15

The clansmen charge the archers. The Wood Elves run away to avoid contact:

The crossbowmen shoot at Imraina Moonhand. A bolt hits the wizard but does not wound her.

The combat in the center of the battlefield results in a single casualty in the Wood Elves ranks: the last warrior kinband is killed by Durak "The Hammer".

The thunderers slay the last two glade runners:

The fight between Sirwendil Silverhead and the Norse Dwarfs results in a draw: the Wood Elf general kills two Dwarfs - including the standard bearer - but in return is wounded by their leader, Alrik Dorinson.

Wood Elves - Turn 15

Imraina Moonhand rests a bit to regain some magical energy.

The war eagle increases its speed and flying level:

The archers shoot down the two last organ gun crewmen:

From his flying mount, Sirwing Feathermoon shoot at the clansmen but misses.

Skarloc's guards aim at them too and kill one:

Valmor Longstride the wardancer kills the last hammerer and hits Durak "The Hammer" but the Dwarf's Mithril armour automatically deflects away this first "would-be wound". The Dwarf hero ripostes and thanks to his Baneblade inflicts five wounds (!) to his opponent. The wardancer hero is instantly slaughtered. Filendil Ravencrest the falconer tries to hit the Dwarf army standard bearer but misses.

No wound recorded on both side in the Wood Elf general / Norse Dwarfs fight.

The Dust Storm is moved again to follow the poor clansmen:

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