Long time no Blood Bowl post. At last, here is one brand new painted team (the tenth): the GREEEEENFIELD GRASSHUUUUUGGERS !!! Terrific, no ? 😉
Okay, I know, I already hear you say "They have absolutely no chance to win a single game.". Maybe, but at least they'll try, these tiny joyful creatures are very courageous you know. And they are not coming alone. Thanks to the good relationship they maintain with the creatures of the forest, they have convinced two mighty Treemen to join the team.
So, if their huge teammates start to destroy the opposing team and to throw the Halflings accurately in the end-zone with the ball (and if they do not lose the ball in the air and if they land safely, of course), they can maybe win one game - or even more - who knows? However, it will be hard to win their division with the Darskide Cowboys and the Athelorn Avengers as rivals.
Group Shots
1) Hamshaw Whitecake ⭐ - 2) Jingo Merrychap ⭐ - 3) Ernest "The Eel" ⭐ - 4) Max Flowerymount
5) "Littlefinger" Eugene - 6) Angus Bigthumb - 7) Ernald Spiritburner ⭐ - 8) "Big" Jobo Hairyfeet ⭐ |
9) Warmglow Vindaloo ⭐ - 10) Tork Smallbones - 11) Hogstone Bluejelly - 12) Fergus Harbuckle
All benchwarmers
13) Deeproot Strongbranch ⭐ - 14) Hazelfern Whiteleaf
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