From the east, the mighty Dwarf Army - led by its King Brokk Ironpike "the Grim" - reaches the hills at the Grey Mountains' feet and starts deploying as soon as the Wood Elves are detected by Josef Bugman's rangers. Some of the King's troops take a position behind the low walls of an abandoned dwarven outpost, while the bulk of the forces will try to reach the woods as fast as possible to engage the Wood Elves in hand-to-hand combat.
At the edge of the forest, on the other side of the narrow valley separating them from their ancestral enemies, the Wood Elves led by Prince Sirwendil Silverhead prepare themselves for battle, carefully observing the enemy movements, on the lookout for possible weak points to exploit.
Side note: the following limitations have been set for the army selection:
- Wizards up to lvl 20 max (to avoid magic having a decisive impact on the battle).
- Forbidden magical weapons: Frostblade and Enchanted Wound.
The Dwarf Army
(7'200 points)
- Army General (lvl 25 Hero): Brokk Ironpike "the Grim", armed with magical battle axe (Hellhoned Blade, Degeneration Strike, Mighty Strike), Mithril Armour and magical ring (Flight).
- Lvl 20 Wizard: Burlok "The Wise" - equipped with War Paints.
- Lvl 15 Wizard: Flakki "Starfingers" - equipped with War Paints.
- Army Standard Bearer (lvl 15 Hero): Morgrim Tryggson - equipped with Mithril Armour and Spell Shield, bearing the Grand Banner of Karak Norn (Icon of Divine Wrath & Talismanic Standard). Morgrim will join the Hammerers unit for this battle.
- 20 Hammerers, well actually 18 as the unit contains a hero and the army standard bearer, (double-handed hammers, heavy armour and shield) led by Durak Bardinson "The Hammer" (lvl 20 Hero) - armed with magical double-handed hammer (Baneblade) and Mithril Armour. The unit is equipped with a magical instrument (Battlerage).
- 20 Ironbreakers (hand weapon, heavy armour and shield), led by Durgrom Korganson (lvl 15 Hero) - equipped with Mithril Armour. The unit is bearing a magical standard (Hellfire Banner) and a magical instrument (Doomsounder).
- 20 Longbeards (hand weapon, heavy armour and shield), led by Grimdal Snorrison (lvl 15 Hero) - equipped with Mithril Armour. The unit is equipped with a magical standard (War Banner) and a magical instrument (Battlecry).
- 20 Clansmen (hand weapon, heavy armour and shield), led by Yadri Hadrinson (lvl 15 Hero). The unit is equipped with a magical instrument (Battlecall).
- 20 Warriors - Bugman's Rangers - (battle axe, crossbow, light armour and shield), led by Josef Bugman (lvl 20 Hero), assisted by Tom Thyksson (lvl 5 Hero).
- 20 Warriors - Ulther's Dragon Company - (hand weapon, light armour and shield), led by Prince Ulther (lvl 10 Hero), assisted by Borri Forkbeard (lvl 5 Hero).
- 35 Warriors - Norse Dwarfs - (hand weapon, light armour and shield), led by Alrik Dorinson (lvl 20 Hero), assisted by a lvl 5 Hero.
- 10 Troll Slayers (battle axe and light armour) + Kragg Redaxe (lvl 15 Slayer Hero), armed with magical battle axe (Enchanted Strike, Degeneration Strike) and equipped with Protective Runes.
- 15 Crosswbowmen (crossbow, hand weapon and light armour) - operate as skirmishers -, led by a lvl 5 Hero.
- 10 Crossbowmen (crossbow, hand weapon and light armour), led by a lvl 5 Hero.
- 15 Thunderers (arquebus, hand weapon and light armour) - operate as skirmishers -, led by a lvl 5 Hero.
- 3 Fire Throwers (each: 2-men crew, equipped with heavy armour and hand weapon).
- Flame Cannon (3-men crew, equipped with light armour and hand weapon).
- Stone Thrower (5-men crew, equipped with light armour and hand weapon).
- Cannon (4-men crew, equipped with light armour and hand weapon).
- Organ Gun (3-men crew, equipped with light armour and hand weapon).
- Bolt Thrower (3-men crew, equipped with light armour and hand weapon).
- Ogre Mercenary Commander (lvl 20 Ogre Hero): Skrag The Slaughterer, armed with magical battle axe (Fireblade) and heavy armour.
- Ogre Shaman (lvl 5 Ogre Wizard): Azigg "Fireclaw", armed with a double-handed mace.
- 8 Ogre Mercenaries (double-handed weapon and light armour), led by a lvl 5 Ogre Hero.
The Wood Elf Army
(7'200 points)- Army General (lvl 25 Hero): Sirwendil Silverhead, armed with magical sword (Mighty Strike, Baneblade), lance, heavy armour, magical shield (Blinding Glare) and riding a barded warhorse. Sirwendil is leading the Elven Lords unit.
- Army Standard Bearer (lvl 15 Hero): Dolfar Redleaf - equipped with heavy armour, shield and lance, riding a barded warhorse and bearing a magical banner (Amuletic Standard and War Banner). Dolfar will join the Elven Lords unit for this battle.
- 8 Elven Lords, armed with lance, light armour and shield and riding barded warhorses.
- Lvl 20 Wizard: Imraina Moonhand, riding a Unicorn.
- Lvl 15 Wizard: Lorindel Whistlewind, riding a barded warhorse.
- Lvl 10 Wizard: Ralgaliel Shadowsong, riding a War Eagle.
- Lvl 20 Hero: Sirwing Feathermoon, armed with magical sword (Enchanted Strike), magical armour (Spell-Tempered Armour), longbow and magical missile (Hail of Doom) and riding a War Eagle.
- Lvl 20 Falconer Hero: Filendil Ravencrest, armed with magical battle axe (Hellhoned Blade), hawk and heavy armour.
- 10 Wood Riders (longbow, hand weapon and light armour), riding horses, led by Fanalion Blackarrow (lvl 10 Hero) - equipped with magical missiles (Hail of Doom, Arcane Bodkin).
- 10 Wardancers (two hand weapons and light armour), led by Glam (lvl 20 Wardancer Hero), armed with magical sword (Parrying Blade, Degeneration Strike, Cursed Blade).
- 10 Wardancers (double-handed weapon and light armour), led by Valmor Longstride (lvl 15 Wardancer Hero).
- 10 Wardancers (hand weapon, shield and light armour), led by Yavathol Wolfmantle (lvl 15 Wardancer Hero).
- 10 Guards (longbow, light armour and shield), led by Skarloc "The Hooded One" (lvl 15 Hero) - equipped with magical missiles (Hail of Doom, Arcane Arrow, Arcane Bodkin). The unit is equipped with a magical standard (Ward of the Brave) and a magical instrument (Battlerage). The unit also contains 2 hidden Shapechangers.
- 10 Lord's Bowmen (longbow, light armour and shield) - operate as skirmishers, led by Pelmir Hawkeye (lvl 10 Hero) - equipped with magical missile (Hail of Doom).
- 15 Glade Runners (longbow), led by a lvl 5 Hero.
- 25 Warrior Kinbands (spear, light armour and shield), led by Virwen Lightspear (lvl 10 Hero). The unit is equipped with a magical standard (Relic Banner) and contains 3 hidden Shapechangers.
- 15 Warrior Kinbands (hand weapon, light armour and shield), led by Amriel Silvermoon (lvl 10 hero). The unit contains 3 hidden Shapechangers.
- Beastmaster Pack #1 (4 Boars and 4 Wild Cats), with 2 animal handlers (one is Tauron Boarskin - lvl 10 Hero), armed with hand weapon and light armour.
- Beastmaster Pack #2 (2 Bears and 3 Warhounds), with 2 animal handlers (one is a lvl 5 Hero), armed with hand weapon and light armour.
- 15 Archers (longbow, light armour) - operate as skirmishers -, led by a lvl 5 Hero.
- 15 Archers (longbow, light armour) - operate as skirmishers -, led by a lvl 5 Hero.
- Treeman #1 (Willowhusk).
- Treeman #2 (Hazelfern).
- Zoat lvl 15 Wizard (Kroashk The Subtle), armed with magical staff (Enchanted Strike).
Brokk Ironpike places himself at the center of the dwarf line, his
Hammerers a few meters of their king to protect him. The two wizards,
Burlok and Flakki will need to keep close to the army banner in order to
draw magic points from it. King Brokk's objective is to reach the woods
quickly to avoid being decimated from long distance. Therefore, he
places his two skirmisher units (Crossbowmen and Thunderers) in front of
his shock units to protect them from the deadly elven arrows.
left flank will be under command of Josef Bugman. His Rangers and the
Longbeards will wait behind the protective walls of the outpost while
the Ogre Mercenaries will be sent forward to clear the elven ranks.
The Ironbreakers' leader, Durgrom Korganson, will hold the right flank along with Kragg Redaxe and his Troll Slayers.
The war machines have been given instruction to aim at elven missile units in priority.
Pre-battle spells:
- Burlok "The Wise": Arrow Invulnerability on the Thunderers unit.
- Flakki "Starfingers": Aura of Resistance on himself.
- Azigg "Fireclaw": Strength of Combat (+1 T) on himself.
Wood Elves
plan of Prince Sirwendil Silverhead is to launch a fast surprise attack
on the right flank of the dwarf army. Once the dwarf Ironbreakers and
Troll Slayers will be wiped out, the Prince will lead his Elven Lords
behind the lines to destroy the war machines.
the same time, Ralgaliel Shadowsong and Sirwing Feathermoon, both
riding War Eagles will attack, from the right flank, the war machines of the dwarven left
of the elven missile units have been placed under command of Skarloc on
the right flank to launch a rain of arrows on any enemy unit that would
be fool enough to cross the battlefield.
Pre-battle spells:
- Imraina Moonhand: Illusion of Wood (to conceal the Elven Lords).
- Lorindel Whistlewind: Strength of Combat (+1 T) on himself.
- Kroashk The Subtle: Aura of Resistance on himself.
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The two armies face-to-face. |
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Opposite view. |
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The Dwarfs deployment. |
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The Dwarf deployment (from the other flank). |
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The Dwarfs left flank. From left to right: Longbeards, Bugman's Rangers, Skrag The Slaughterer, Organ Gun, Azigg "Fireclaw", Ogre Mercenaries, Fire Thrower, Ulther's Dragon Company, Stone Thrower. |
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The Dwarf right flank. From left to right: Ironbreakers, Crossbowmen, Troll Slayers, Cannon, Thunderers, Norse Dwarfs, Fire Thrower, Clansmen, Flakki "Starfingers". |
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The Wood Elves deployment. |
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The Wood Elves deployment (from the other flank). |
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The Wood Elves center. From left to right: Treeman (Hazelfern), Warrior Kinbands (hidden in the woods) Archers, Beastmaster Pack (Boars and Wild Cats), Kroashk The Subtle, Glade Runners. |
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