Dwarf - Turn 6
On the Dwarf left flank, Prince Ulther's Dragon Company finally joins the fight. Its warriors charge the shapechangers in the back while they are engaged in combat with Skrag The Slaughterer. The Elfs panic and flee, but they will not go far: the three of them are hacked by the Dwarfs and the Ogre commander.
Then, the all Dwarf missile units miss their targets. And so do the war machines still in operating condition fire. The bolt thrower tries to hit Ralgaliel Shadowsong the wizard and his war eagle but fails. The stone thrower completey misses the Archers that are dangerously approaching its position:
The last Fire Thrower misses the Lord's Bowmen it was aiming at:
On the right flank, Kragg Redaxe is wounded by the Wardancers but he's still running. Nevertheless, the Troll Slayer hero leaves the battlefield. And so do the Wardancers... Yes, they had the bad idea to use the Whirling Death attack mode during the fight and, as a result, their frenzy of bloodlust leads them to follow Kragg off the battlefield…

The fight between Brokk Ironpike and Glam is still going on. Glam fails to wound the Dwarf General and he's punished: two wounds inflicted by the King of Karak Norn. But once again, the magical blade of the Wardancer leader saves his life by parrying magically one of the blows.
Not far from there, the Elven bears and warhounds kill one Thunderer:
And in the fight opposing the Elven Lords - led by the Army General - and the Ironbreakers: no wound recorded that turn.
On the other side of the battlefield, the wild cats and the boars and their beastmasters cause heavy losses in the fleeing Longbeards unit:
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Four additional victims in the Longbeards unit. |
And for the first time of the battle, Filendil Ravencrest - the Falconer hero - fails to kill an Ogre. So does his mate Valmor Longstride, the Wardancer hero. Note that the Ogres do not achieve to wound the Elfs either.
During the magic phase, Burlok "The Wise" decide to grant the Hammerers a magical protection against missiles by casting Arrow Invulnerability on them.
And a Lightning Bolt launched by the Grand Banner of Karak Norn kills two more Archers, causing them to rout:
Wood Elf - Turn 6
Sirwing Feathermoon and his war eagle gain altitude to fly over the forest, increases his speed and starts banding his bow to shoot at Flakki "Starfingers", the wizard. While the other eagle-rider - Ralgaliel Shadowsong, the wizard - reduces his speed.
As expected, Kroashk The Subtle charges the Dwarf King to help Glam:
The Warrior Kinbands are still running away:
The Wood Elf missile units shoot! The Archers kill three of the stone thrower crewmen, leaving only one left to man the machine:
Sirwing Feathermoon kills Flakki "Starfingers":
And the Guards cause one wound to Skrag The Slaughterer. This is pretty good, but Skarloc "The Hooded One" has wasted a Hail of Doom arrow for that purpose...
Finally, the Lord's Bowmen miss the remaining fire thrower.
...and flees:
The wild cats and the boars continue to wreak havoc in the ranks of the fleeing Longbeards:
On the other side of the battlefield, the Elven Lords kill two Ironbreakers, including the unit standard bearer. But the Dwarfs stand firm and avenge their brothers by killing three elven elite riders:
Glam and Kroashk The Subtle rain blows down on Brokk Ironpike. Only the Wardancer Hero manages to cause 1 wound to the Dwarf leader. Brokk replicates and hits two times the Wood Elf but, again, his magical sword parries one of the blows.
The fight involving the second beastpack, the Thunderers and - now - the Norse Dwarfs is close and uncertain: 2 Norse are slain on the Dwarven side, one Beastmaster is slain and a bear sustains a wound on the Elven side.
The Dust Storm is still active. But this time, with not effect to the fighters caught in its area. The Dwarf General is uncertain about what to do here. The Dwarfs are too slow to leave the area and the Elven wizard can move his spell at will to make it follow the Dwarfs...
The Elven wizards starts to cast. But Imraina Moonhand, the most powerful of them, is short in magical energy and fails to cast her spell.
Kroashk The Subtle cannot cast either because he is engaged in combat and so does Lorindel Whistlewind (involved in the fight against the Ironbreakers).
In fact, only Ralgaliel Shadowsong manages to cast something: Bewilder Foe on the Dwarf General, but the King's strong willpower resists the spell easily.
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