The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 8

DWARF - Turn 8

The Dwarf fighting troops are almost all already engaged in hand-to-hand combat. After defeating the beasts pack, the Norse Dwarfs now head for the fight opposing the Ironbreakers and the Elven Lords.


The Dwarfs' shooting phase is quite successful. Imraina Moonhand, the most powerful Wood Elf wizard is wounded twice by the skirmishing Crossbowmen. And the bolt thrower hits Ralgaliel Shadowsong, inflicting the wizard four wounds and killing him instantly! Deprived of its rider, the war eagle flies away and leaves the battlefield.

On the Dwarf left flank, the Longbeards sustain two more losses and leave the battlefield (at last...).

The Dragon Company loses its leader: Valmor Longstride kills Prince Ulther!

Status quo in the fight between Skrag and the Warrior Kinbands: no wound inflicted on either side.

The combat between Glam/Kroashk The Subtle and the Hammerers turns in favour of the Dwarfs. The stout shock elite troop, led by Durak Bardinson "The Hammer" and including the Army Banner, suffers only one loss. In return, the Dwarf leader kills Glam! And the Zoat wizard is wounded twice.

The Ironbreakers stand still, although they lose one more fighter and are unable to wound one of the Elven heroes.

 The Dust Storm kills another of the Bugman's Rangers.

Burlokk "The Wise" casts a Fireball on the Glade Runners but the magic missile fails to cause wounds.

WOOD ELF - Turn 8

Sirwing Feathermoon increases his war eagle speed to fly over the skirmishing Crossbowmen. The missile unit holds its ground and prepare defending itself against the war beast. During the combat phase, two of them will die.

The Glade Runners shoot at Burlokk "The Wise" but miss.

The Archers (at very short range) kill two Bugman's Rangers:

And the Guards kill two skirmishing Crossbowmen:

 Valmor Longstride and Filendil Ravencrest kill one warrior of the Dragon Company each:

Kroashk The Subtle hits several Hammerers but their heavy armour protects them. In return, they inflict three wound to the Zoat and kill him!

The leaders of the Wood Elf army finally manages to cause heavy losses to the Ironbreakers unit: their leader - Durgrom Korganson - is killed and so are two other fighters.

The deadly Dust Storm kills again two Bugman's Rangers.

No spell is cast by Elven wizards that turn.

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