It has been a while since the last post about this epic battle... played in December 2018. But writing a battle report takes time, especially when the armies are 7'200 points worth. Anyway, here is the summary of turn 3. I hope I'll be able to post turn 4 soon.
Dwarfs - Turn 3
Eager to avenge the Ogre Shaman, Skrag the Slaughterer charges Hazelfern the Treeman. And his mercenaries charge the wardancers.
The sight of these roaring brutes rushing at them makes the hardenend elven warriors flee.
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The wardancers are routed. Three of them take free-hacks and are killed. Their leader - Valmor Longstride - is also wounded. |
While the Ogres are engaging the right wing of the Wood Elf army, the Dwarfs hold their positions.
The right flank of the Dwarf army keeps marching on.
And the dwarven war machines fire:
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The stone thrower is a little bit too short. |
The cannon fires again.
And kills three Elven lords!
At the same time, the dwarven missile troops shoot also. The Bugman's kill one more archer and the skirmishing crossbowmen kill four archers in the other unit.
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The clash of titans: Hazelfern and Skrag engage in a fierce fight but both fail to inflict any wound to his opponent.
The Ogres continue to hit the wardancers in the back, causing two more victims.
During the magic phase, Burlok "The Wise" casts Strength of Combat upon himself and gains +1 Thoughness. The Grand Banner of Karak Norn (Icone of Divine Wrath) hurls a Lightning Bolt on the gade runners and kill two of them.
Wood Elves - Turn 3
The elven right flank advances so that the missile units can fire at short range and cause more damage to the Dwarfs. The war eagle riders continue their way at high speed past the defense lines to attack the dwarven right flank's war machines.
All wardancers except Valmor Longstride leave the battelfield. The Ogres' pursuit is stopped by the charge of three shapechangers - in bear form - that were hidden in the Warrior Kinband unit.
Filendil Ravencrest, the falconer hero, also charges the Ogres in the flank.

On the other flank, the Elven lords (still under the effect of the Steadfast spell) and the wardancers unit led by Yavathol Wolfmantle charge the Troll slayers.

The wood riders reach the top of the hill. This position will allow them to shoot at all the nearby dwarven troops. Willowhusk the Treeman is not far behind them.
In the forest, the fire is still raging, and even expending, menacing the glade runners.
All elven missile units shoot at several dwarven units but only the wood riders (killing one of the cannon crewmen) and the glade runners inflict damage to the stout Dwarf warriors. Short range shooting is really deadly, especially when fired by elven bows: five (!) of the hammerers, bodyguards of King Brokk Ironpike, are killed.
On the elven right flank, Filendil Ravencrest kills one Ogre mercenary and the shapechangers wound another one. The Ogres fail to hit their opponents.

Nearby, Hazelfern is still fighting Skrag. The
Treeman is particularly clumsy and fail to wound the Ogre. The
Slaughterer doesn't miss the opportunity and - thanks to his Fireblade -
inflicts four wounds to his opponent. And worst of it: Hazelfern is set
ablaze by The magical weapon.
On the elven left flank, the Elven lords led by Prince Sirwendil Silverhead kill four Troll slayers, nearly half of the unit.
As a result, the slayers flee away, pursued by the wardancers. Prince Sirwendil Silverhead commands his Elven lords to stay where they are, so they can charge the approaching ironbreakers the next turn.
The wardancers concentrate their attacks on Kragg Redaxe, the slayers hero, but they fail to wound him.

The elven wizards cast their spells.
The Unicorn rider, Imraina Moonhand, cast a Dust Storm on the Bugman's rangers:
Lorindel Whistlewind cast Cause Rain. All fires on the battlefield are exinguinshed (those that were burning Hazelfern and the forest). Also, the powder of the cannon and of the thunderers' weapons becomes wet and they cannot fire until the end of the battle!
The Zoat wizard, Kroashk The Subtle, casts a Lighning Bolt on the hammerers unit but their Talismanic Standard protects them and the spell rebounds to the caster. However, Kroashk is not wounded by his own spell.
The battlefield at the end of turn 3:
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