Dwarf - Turn 5
On the Dwarven left flank, Skrag The Slaughterer charges the Warrior Kinbands armed with spears. Despite the frightful sight of this Ogre tank charging them, the Elves hold their ground.
The Longbeards are still crossing the wall separating them from the Elf Archers. Prince Ulther's Dragon Company is advancing to help Skrag.
On the right flank, the Troll Slayers are still fleeing. The Ironbreakers march on the Elven Lords, hoping the Norse Dwarf Warriors will pass the hill soon enough to flank the Elven cavalry.
Most of the Dwarf war machines are out of order. While the bolt thrower misses its target (Willowhusk the Treeman), the stone thrower's boulder lands exactly where it was intended to: straight on the most powerful wizard of the Wood Elf army - Imraina Moonhand - and her unicorn. But Imraina remains miraculously safe. This is not the case of her riding beast which is instantly crushed by the huge boulder.
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Poor unicorn... Now Imraina must continue on foot. |
The Dwarf Crossbowmen shoot at the Elven Lords, killing one of them:
The skirmishing Crossbowmen shoot (short range) at the second Archers unit and kill half of the remaining unit members (4)!
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Rout test passed for the remaining four archers. |
The combat phase begins with Skrag killing the Warrior Kinbands' leader and the standard bearer. Only the musician can hit the Ogre hero and, against all expectations, he inflicts a wound to Skrag!
Another Ogre is slain by Filendil Ravencrest. The Ogres' answer: one shapechanger in bear form is also killed.

On the right flank, the Dwarf Thunderers kill another Wood Rider and inflict one wound to the unit's champion. Now he is alone against a whole bunch of angry Dwarfs.
King Brokk Ironpike kills one of the Wardancers he is facing. Glam lands a hit on the Dwarf General but his Mithril Armour protects him.
The magic phase starts with a dramatic event (for the Elves): Burlok "The Wise" casts three Fireballs on Willowhusk, inflicting two wounds to the Treeman and setting fire to him. Willowhusk starts to head as fast as he can for the nearby river.
The other Dwarf wizard, Flakki "Starfingers", casts also a spell at Willowhusk, but his Lightning Bolt fail to injure him.
Finally, the Grand Banner of Karak Norn casts a Lightning Bolt at Kroashk The Subtle but it doesn't harm the Zoat.
Finally, the Grand Banner of Karak Norn casts a Lightning Bolt at Kroashk The Subtle but it doesn't harm the Zoat.
Wood Elf - Turn 5
Imraina Moonhand decides to do nothing this turn to regain 1 Magic Point.
Valmor Longstride, sole survivor of the Wardancers unit he was leading (actually, the rest of the unit left the battlefield), charges the Ogre Mercenaries.
Valmor Longstride, sole survivor of the Wardancers unit he was leading (actually, the rest of the unit left the battlefield), charges the Ogre Mercenaries.
The Beasts pack made of Wild Cats and Boars charges the Longbeards. As they were crossing an obstacle, the Dwarfs must make a Panic test and... they fail! They immediately flee, pursued by the beasts:

The Shapechangers hidden in the second Warrior Kinbands unit transform into boars and charge Skrag The Slaughterer:
Willowhusk suffers one wound more from the fire consuming him. Will the Treeman reach the river before it's too late... ?
On the other side of the battlefield, Ralgaliel Shadowsong and his war eagle fly over the Norse Dwarf Warriors, while at the same time the other eagle rider, Sirwing Feathermoon, fly over the Crossbowmen. Both will try to hit as many opponents as they can during this manoeuvre.
The second Beasts pack - War Hounds and Bears - charges the Thunderers:
The Wood Elf General - Sirwendil Silverhead - and his Elven Lords adopt a wedge formation and charge the Ironbreakers:
The upcoming combat phase promises some epic fights...
Then, the missile units shoot at the Dwarfs. The Guards kill two warriors of the Dragon Company:
The Glade Runners kill the crewmEn of a fire thrower:
Another Hammerer is killed by Archers. And the other unit of Archers kills one of the stone thrower crewmen.
The hand-to-hand combat is going on.
Filendil Ravencrest will be elligible for a new nickname: "Ogresmasher" or something like this. Filendil doesn't slow down the tempo, another Ogre dies by his battle axe. His friend, Valmor Longstride, who has just joined the combat, slays an Ogre with his double-handed sword.
The hand-to-hand combat is going on.
Filendil Ravencrest will be elligible for a new nickname: "Ogresmasher" or something like this. Filendil doesn't slow down the tempo, another Ogre dies by his battle axe. His friend, Valmor Longstride, who has just joined the combat, slays an Ogre with his double-handed sword.
But the Ogres have their vengeance: they kill one of the shapechangers and the last one of them routs and his also killed (free-hacks).
Despite the many losses they suffered, the Ogres still fight, thanks to the presence of Skrag - the Ogre mercenary leader - a few steps aways.
In his combat against the Warrior Kinbands, his opponents are unable to pierce the Ogre boss' thick skin. Skrag's riposte is bloody: four Elves are slain. They automatically rout (feared enemy) and lose one more warrior. But they are avenged by the shapechangers in boar form that are hitting Skrag in the back: two wounds inflicted to the mighty Ogre leader!
The Longbeards that were charged while they were crossing an obstacle loose four warriors, including their standard bearer, from the beasts that are pursuing them:
On the other side of the battlefield, King Brokk Ironpike is wounded by Glam the Wardancer. In return, the Dwarf leader kills two Elves, leaving Glam alone to face him:
The Wood Riders' hero, sole survivor of his unit, kills one of the Thunderers. This will be his last feat in battle because he is slain right after that:
With Sirwendil Silverhead as a spearhead, the Elven Lords' wedge spikes the Ironbreakers' ranks like a knife through butter:
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One wound inflicted to Durgrom Korganson, the Ironbreakers Hero, and four of his warriors killed by the Elven Lords. |
Nearby, Yavathol Wolfmantle's Wardancers kill another Troll Slayer, only Kragg Redaxe remains, but he is about to leave the battlefield. No doubt he will have another reason to chase biggest monsters to die properly soon.
While flying over the Norse Dwarfs, Ralgaliel Shadowsong's war eagle kills two of them. But the stout warriors mange to inflict one wound to the flying beast.

The other war eagle and his rider, Sirwing Feathermoon, kill two Crossbowmen:
The active Dust Storm makes another victim in the Bugman's Rangers unit:
Imraina Moonhand is still resting to regain some magic power. Not sure it's a good idea with Skrag a few yards away...
Kroashk The Subtle casts Hand of Fire on himself. Is the Zoat wizard going to join Glam in his fight against the Dwarf King ? Anyway, he is at charge range.
Difficult to predict who will win on this side of the battelfield...
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