The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 13

Dwarfs - Turn 13

Once again, Burlok "The Wise" decides to rest to regain magic energy.

The clansmen have finally finished crossing their obstacle:

The hammerers advances resolutely, aware that they will be charged by the warrior kinbands and the Wood Elf heroes:

The crossbowmen and the bolt thrower align on their target: Sirwing Feathermoon and his war eagle. They will not be able to fire that turn but they will be ready for the next one.

The thunderers eventually catch up with the glade runners. In the coming fight, no wound is caused.

The skirmishing crossbowmen shoot at Imraina Moonhand and their champion wounds her:

Sirwendil Silverhead, the Elven general still resists to the Norse Dwarfs and kills another of them:

The Grand Banner of Karak Norn hurls a Lightning Bolt at Filendil Ravencrest, inflicting the falconer hero two wounds!

Wood Elves - Turn 13

As expected, the hammerers are charged by Valmor Longstride, Filendil Ravencrest and the warrior kinbands:

Increasing his speed, Sirwing Feathermoon aligns on the crossbowmen to dive on them the next turn. In the meantime, he shoot at them with his longbow but fails to harm them.

And the archers position themselves to fire at the clansmen:

Their deadly arrows kill four of them:

Just a few steps away, Skarloc and his guards shoot at Josef Bugman. The legendary master brewer sustains two wounds and is killed!

The clash between the hammerers and their opponents is even: Valmor Longstride and Filendil Ravencrest kill one of the elite warriors each, the hammerers kill the warrior kinbands' musician and the Dwarf hero, Durak Bardinson "The Hammer", inflicts one wound to Amriel Silvermoon, the leader of the Elven unit.

The result of the combat could be a draw, but the Wood Elves have charged, thus they push back the Dwarfs and start surrounding them.

In his fight against the Norse Dwarfs, Sirwendil Silverhead remains untouched and kills two opponents.

Imraina Moonhand tries to cast a Mystic Mist on the bolt thrower but misses.

Anyway, she can still move her active Dust Storm to harass the clansmen:

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