Wielding the Sword of Justice in battle, Ludwig Schwarzhelm is the Emperor's champion and bearer of the Emperor's Great Banner. This miniature is the first version sculpted for the 4th edition. To be fair, the new version of this model is amazing, I'll probably try to get one to paint it.

This blog is about my hobby: collecting and painting miniatures (mainly fantasy) and playing epic Warhammer battles (mainly 3rd edition). The blog's name is a contraction of Old Metal (lead miniatures referring to Oldhammer) and the famous song 'Metal Militia' from Metallica (yes, I'm a great fan of Metal music).
Carroburg Schwertspieler
"Among the Empire's most-storied regiments, the Carroburg Schwertspieler (or Greatswords) have earned their bloody reputation by slaying all comers in defence of their home city. Their fame dates back to the Age of Three Emperors. In 1865 IC, they successfully defended the city of Carroburg, then under the control of Reikland, from the count of Middenland. Throughout the course of the battle, their white uniforms were stained red with blood. Since then, they have worn crimson uniforms in remembrance of that day."
Back to Dwarfs. At least for this unit of 20 classic Dwarfs that will be used as Clansmen in my Dwarf Army.
Group Shots
The Colours of Chaos (3)
Some new additions to the followers of Khorne, Tzeentch and Slaanesh.
All Beastmen sculpted by the master Jes Goodwin.
Chaos Knights
Finding "second hand" Chaos Knights (the old ones, labelled as "Chaos Steeds & Riders" and designed by Trish Morrison, Nick Bibby and the Perry brothers) is very difficult and mostly very expensive. Over the years, I have managed to collect 10 of them, one after the other, when their price was affordable. Some came without legs, only the torso was available. To cope with this, I have bought legs of latest editions. I had also bought the steeds without riders sometimes.
Anyway, here they are, painted in a red-black-bronze khornish theme for unit cohesion.
Group Shots
Miscellaneous Miniatures
Looking for minis for my WFRP Norsca campaing, I've recently found some interesting ones from Artisan Guild (Northmen Huskarls, 3D printed). Three of these will be the crew for a 3D printed mammoth from Epic Miniatures (Ice Age Madness range) that will join my norse army for WFB. The Mammoth is big, but not enough in my opinion. I should have asked for a higher scale, but it will be OK on the tabletop.
Then, we have four Wraiths, also by Artisan Guild, that will be facing the PCs along with their master (a Lich I have painted last month) at the end of the next scenario.
Finally, we have a Valkyrie from Clay Cyanide Miniatures, also 3D printed, that might come to the PCs help, sent by the norse god of the dead, Helenir, should they need it when fighting the many undead they will encounter in this scenario.
Norse Fighters
Norsca Campaign PC and NPCs
Some miniatures painted for my home-made Warhammer FRP (v1) campaign set in Norsca. All are from Reaper Miniatures.
We have:
- A Hill Giant Hunter with his pet, a Dire Tiger. In my campaign, they will be NPCs the party could meet while travelling across the Frostheim Mountains.
- A Lich. It will be the "end boss" of the next scenario. A very powerful opponent that could cost the PCs some Faith Points.
- A paladin whose name by Reaper Minis is 'Sir Broderick, Crusaders Captain. This miniature will be used to represent a new PC joining the party, a cleric of Ulric wielding a magical two-handed hammer.
I had pleasure painting each of them. The Hill Giant and the Dire Tiger are plastic figures, while the two others are metal.
Hill Giant & Dire/Sabre-Tooth Tiger
Northgard - Wilderness
These are the monsters from the second Northgard extension 'Wilderness'. They are incorporated in the same deck as the creatures from the basic game but are more powerful, the deadliest being the Wyvern.
This extension also comes with new extra tiles.
Northgard - Creatures
These are the creatures populating Northgard and that the clans may encounter while exploring the map. Their behaviour depend on the creature. Bears are attracted by constructions. Wolves are attracted by resources. Draugr and Fallen Valkyries are attracted by human beings.
These are included in the base board game. The reason why they are painted differently (lighter or heavier tone) is to distinguish them in case several of that type of creature are on the map at the same time. When discovered, each creature is representend by a card.
Northgard - Warchiefs
I've painted the Northgard Warchiefs (from the so called boardgame extension). They were quite fun to paint.
Northgard is a PC game released in 2017. The player leads a viking clan which has landed on a new continent (Northgard). The player's clan competes with other viking clans for domination over this new continent. There are several ways of winning the game: reaching a certain level of fame (in combination with a certain number of possessed territories within the map + building a king's altar), reaching a certain level of lore (+ building a special monument), capturing Yggdrasil (the world tree), reaching a certain level of commercial exchanges, reforging Odin's sword, etc.
Four new Trolls join my Orcs & Goblins army (or could by aligned in a Chaos army as well). I tried different skin tones as Trolls could be of any colour.
The Colours of Chaos (2)
Although my (painted) Chaos army increases in size on a regular basis and is quite big now (around 300 painted Chaos minis), most of the Chaos champions (sculpted by Jes Goodwin) still need to be painted. I will rectify this by painting some from time to time, alternatively with minis for other armies.
Here are four Chaos champions and two sorcerers, along with two familiars (these are not from Citadel, and honestly I don't remember where I got them from... 😕).
Greenskins Firepower
Back to my Orc & Goblin army, I've painted these guys to add some firepower.
First, the legendary Orc crossbowmen designed by Kev Adams. The biggest of them will act as their leader and is from Knightmare Miniatures.
Then, we have a "Goblin Ass Cannon" (which will certainly count as a mortar in terms of rules) from Red Bard Games.
And finally, an Orc shaman mounted on a war boar (also from Red Bard Games).
Crossbowmen orcs
Norse Characters and Civilians
After completing the units for my Norse army, I still had some Norse minis to paint, mainly characters and civilians, and some sort of fighters/barbarians that I was at first planning to include in my Norse army, but then changed my mind.
These miniatures are from Red Box Games, Reaper Miniatures and Hasslefree Miniatures.
Red Box Games
Bondis (perfect for my Norse baggage train). |
Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess
I enjoyed painting this wonderful miniature (from Reaper Miniatures). This Frost Giant Princess will be a nice addition to my Norse army. Additionally, she's of the same size as the two other Giants (or Jotuns) I have painted some time ago (here and here, both from the Blood Rage boardgame).
Of Wolf and Man (2)
This is the last unit of my Norse army, now all are painted. These guys (the Ulfwerenars) can be devastating provided that 1) they reach the enemy lines safely, 2) they change form when expected...
Next post will be about Norse characters, civilians and other surprises.
Group Shots
Let's go Berserk !
A new bunch of tattooed, frenzied and foaming Berserkers for my Norse army (now 40 are done). As usual with my Norses, they are from different periods and manufacturers (old Citadel, Red Box, V&V Miniatures, Bronze Age Miniatures & Foundry).
Group Shots
"Thralls are the slave classof the Norse. They are recruited into armed bands in times of trouble. Such times are common and the Thralls are often armed to fight off neighbouring Norse kingdoms or rampaging Goblins. Despite their lowly status, Thralls are really as bloodthirsty as the rest of the Norse society, and thoroughly enjoy the chance to suspend the monotony of drudgery for the excitement of battle."
Here are 40 Thralls added to my growing Norse army. In the Norse society, Thralls' clothing was made of woolen and undyed knee-lenght tunic, that's the reason why I have avoided to paint their clothing with vivid colours. They all bear shields with the Jarl's colours.
Group Shots
The Last Wood Elf Archers
With these last Wood Elf archers, my WE army is finally completely painted! 💪😇
These 30 archers are from different periods. Some are Jes Goodwin's 3rd edition, some are old Lord of the Ring elven archers, some are from 4th edition (the ugly ones with disproportionate weapons and equipment) and even 5th edition.
I'll take some pictures of the whole army when I'll have time.
Group Shots
Of Wings and Claws (and Chill Breath)
A second dragon joins my Wood Elf army (I have already painted the Dragon Master some time ago, in green). I decided that this one would be blue. 😁
It's a rather small dragon or it looks small because it doesn't spread its wings. I think it's a Tom Meier's dragon, but not sure. The rider is a Marauder Miniature (it seems).
Wood Riders
Here they are, the Wood Riders, ready to riddle the enemy of their kin with arrows.
Now I have 20 of them painted.
Group Shots
Wood Elf Wizards
Actually at the same time I was painting the Elven Lords, I was also painting the wizards (and the Wood Riders and the Dragon, these will be shown in the next posts).
I have started with all horses (26 in total). And once they were completed, I've painted the riders.
These three wizards are really nice miniatures, from the elven master Jes Goodwin of course. It was a pleasure to paint them.
Elven Lords
Long time no post... But for a good reason. I recently dived into the fantastic world of Baldur's Gate 3. Long time ago, I played Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and these games were already excellent at that time. And the last one is just amazing, so many possibilities, a real RPG. Certainly the best game I have ever played. But it is time consuming, it took me between 180 and 200 hours to finish the game.
Then I went back to my painting table and started painting a new batch of Wood Elves, with the intent to complete my WE army by the end of the year. The first ones are Elven Lords.
"The lords of Elven communities and their noble retainers ride magnificent warhorses into battle. Wood Elves favour roan and dappled horses, plaiting their mains and ornamenting their bridles with hair plumes and jewels."
Group Shots
Here's something new, not related to Warhammer at all: miniatures for the Shadowrun role playing game (version 6). I'm mastering this game for a several months now and I needed some miniatures to represent the PCs in the party. However, there are not a lot of minis on the market for this game. Some were produced by Ral Partha a long time ago, but I don't like them and the range is limited. More recently, some manufacturers such as Papsikels have produced some Cyberpunk/Shadowrun miniatures but the range is limited too and is missing miniatures for some classes of characters and races (see below why).
Knights Panther
"The Order of the Knights Panther is a secular order of Knights dedicated to the wholesome eradication of mutants and Chaos worshipers alike, as well as upholding the racial integrity of the Empire as a whole. Being amongst the most powerful of the Knightly Orders within the Empire, these banda of Knights are well known throughout the many different cities and imperial provinces, and are considered to be the most famous and celebrated Order within the Empire, with a history dating back to the lasting years of the Great Crusade some 2,000 years ago. From what was told, once the armies of Jaffar and the Sultans of Araby were defeated by the crusading Knights, and their cities plundered of all their belongings, the Knights of the Great Crusade brought home much plunder from the Sultans' Palaces, including gold and silver, precious gems, silks, furs, and many exotic animals the like of which had never been seen before in the Old World."
Naggaroth Nightwings
At last! All my Blood Bowl teams (18!) are now painted. The last one is the Naggaroth Nightwings. Nothing particular to say about this Dark Elves team. It was never as successful as the Darkside Cowboys. But this year, the team includes a Minotaur. Let's see if it will make a difference.
According to the recent background, it seems that the Naggaroth Nightwings have merged with the Naggaroth Nightmares recently. However, the Naggaroth Nightmares were not existing at all in the legacy background, so I decided to reject this new team name.
Usually, the Naggaroth Nightwings are painted in red/green. But I already have painted a team in these colours (the Avelorn Avengers). So I opted for a dark red and black/grey uniform and I'm very happy with the result.
Group Shots
Underworld Creepers
"This unlikely pot-pourri of Skaven and Goblins is a juggernaut of innovation in the field of dastardly tactics. If one of their ambitious plans backfires on the Gobbos (who usually get everything wrong, anyway), the Skaven just sit back and watch the stupid creatures hurt themselves - it appeals to their warped sense of humour."
Well, no more can be expected from the Underworld Creepers. In their division, they will be opposed to two of the most successful teams (Reikland Reavers and The Gouged Eye). They actually might win one or two games along the route, against teams of the same level. But not more.
Group Shots
Dwarf Warhammerers
"Arch-rivals of the Dwarf Giants, the Warhammerers are most interesting to us because of their perpetual insistence in breaking the rules in the most obvious and flamboyant way. Their use of explosives and high-calibre breech-loading cannon as part of their passing play is just one case in point. These guys are plain dangerous! What's worse, they don't know when to stop, which is when accidents always seem to happen."
Although, the Warhammerers have won twice the NCF championship (in 2473 and 2486), they did not manage to win the Blood Bowl.
Bright Crusaders
Another painted team for my Blood Bowl league! The Bright Crusaders. This team is built half from old school Citadel human players and half from new miniatures from Iron Golems.
Originally, the Bright Crusaders are supposed to wear yellow/blue/white uniforms, as shown below:
I suspect that long ago, when Games Workshop's authors had created this game, some of them were loving these colours so much that they designed at least four teams wearing blue and yellow (Reikland Reavers, Dwarf Giants, Darkside Cowboys and, of course, the Bright Crusaders). As I did not want the Bright Crusaders to be confused with the Reikland Reavers, the other human team, I have decided to modify their colour scheme. I wanted the Bright Crusaders to be.... more bright!
Athelorn Avengers
This is my second Blood Bowl elven team. As most of my elf minis were used for the Elfheim Eagles team, I found cheaper minis on Comixinos (mainly linemen) than the (almost) unfindable or way too expensive old Citadel models. The team is completed by a mighty Treeman (from Willy Miniatures).
We'll see how they do this season in a division usually dominated by the Darkside Cowboys and in which they'll compete against other Treemen and Halflings (the Greenfield Grasshuggers).
Group Shots
Norsca Rampagers
Until season 2487 of Blood Bowl, the Norsca Rampagers were going by the name 'Vynheim Valkyries' and they have won 2 times the Blood Bowl.
To create this team I found norse players minis on Comixinos. They are coming from Meiko Miniatures. Apparently they are now cast in resin, but those I have are in pewter. I must say that they have very ugly mould lines that I couldn't completely make disappear without damaging the minis... I hope for those who will buy the resin minis that this would not be the case anymore.
Also, they are very tall (32 mm) compared to old Citadel players minis such as the human team or even elven team. But that is not an issue, Vikings were far taller than other middle-age civilisations.
Group Shots
The Gouged Eye
Led by the blitzer Varag Ghoul-Chewer, here are The Gouged Eye, the arch-rivals of the Reikland Reavers in the AFC Central division.
The miniatures are essentially from the second edition, except Varag himself, Rip Sorepain the blocker (black orc but considered as a normal orc), Cannonball Bennie the thrower, and Krug Painspear the blitzer.
Chaos All-Stars
One of the most iconic and feared Blood Bowl teams, led by the legendary Ogre Morg'th N'hthrog.
As I only owned a few of these chaotic minis, I had a hard time finding enough to build the team (and as you may know, the price for these rare minis is very high). Although some of them are not - historically - part of the team (e.g. Withergrasp Doubledrool is playing for the Middenheim Marauders and Slarga Fourstrike is playing for the Bluchen Berserkers), I had no other choice but including them in my only chaotic Blood Bowl team.
I have tried to stick to the original colour theme and I'm very happy with the result. At first, I wanted to paint the purple flames on the shoulder pads, but then I was afraid to mess up the paintjob. I could probably obtain a nice result on the big shoulder pads (of the Troll, Ogre and Minotaur), but the other ones are too small.
Thug Life
After painting a unit constituted of different miniatures (I mean no duplicate in the unit and different hair and clothes colours), I'm speaking of the Wardancers, here's again such a unit (with mixed skin tones, hair colours, etc.): Chaos Thugs. The remaining 25 Chaos Thugs in my Chaos army, 20 others were painted a while ago.
Most of them are classic Citadel miniatures from the 80s, they are led by a Chaos Marauder sculpted by the master Jes Goodwin. Five, including the standard bearer, are from Knightmare Miniatures (the Pantheon of Chaos range) and four others are from Diehard Miniatures (note that they also have mounted Thugs!).
Group Shots
"Wardancers are courageous and incredibly athletic warriors. Their style of fighting is fleet and agile like a deadly 'dance' which cuts a swathe through their foes."
I painted the last unpainted Wardancers of my Wood Elf army. Seven of them have been sculpted by the master Jes Goodwin, the others are more recent and quite nice minis. Now I have 40 of these guy ready to dance with the enemy.
Group Shots
Massive Physical Presence
"Zoats are mysterious creatures which are so rarely seen that for many people in the Old World they are subject to legend and fairy tale rather than reality. They seldom stray far from their woodland habitat where they sometimes associate with Wood Elves. One of the strange facets of Zoat society is that they have no 'heroes', only wizards.
Zoats are large, rough-skinned creatures whose massive physical presence and superficial ugliness shields a cunning intelligence and deep-seated passion for arcane lore."
Here we go, with two Zoat warriors. One is the first version of that mytical creature. It is smaller than the latest one. Let's say these are the father with his son. 😋 I really like these miniatures, especially the bulky one. Some years ago, I've painted the Zoat wizard, I'll take a picture of it.
Dwarf Warriors
Again I have painted some Dwarfs. Usually I alternate between several armies at the same time (O&G, Chaos, Empire, Wood Elves & Dwarfs). But I wanted to complete one of the shelves of my cabinet on which is displayed my Dwarf army. This is now the case with these 32 Dwarf warriors. I have just enough remaining room for a 8x4 unit.
This unit contains two standard bearers and two drummers. The duplicate models will be joining a unit that will be painted later on.
Next I will paint some Wood Elves and friends.
Group Shots
Steam and Black Powder
New war machines for my Dwarf army! The legendary gyrocopter and the swivel gun. Two pieces each.
The two gyros models look very similar although they were produced in different eras. They fit well together as thes have pretty much the same proportions. One could be the older model piloted by a veteran pilot, and the other one a more recent version just issued by the citadel engineers guild and piloted by a young ace.
The rules for using the gyros in WFB 3rd edition can be found hereafter. I do not remember where I found them, maybe in a White Dwarf.
The swivel guns were cast by Marauder Miniatures. I really like the posture of the crewmen, especially the loader (and did you notice his repeating pistol?). For the basing. I have used cork for the first time to represent the rocks. I found them in 3 mm thick sheets. I'm quite happy with the result.
Ready! Aim! Fire!!!
Adding more firepower to my Dwarf army. Here are 10 Thunderers & 4 Crossbowmen. I have also painted a drunk warrior that has been left behind by his comrades to avoid him shooting in their back with his pistols by mistake... and a hero on a pony (this one seems to be ME15 Mounted Gimli released in 1985, but the pony is not the original one).
Dwarf Baggage Train
Most of the armies must have a baggage train (some don't, e.g. the Skaven, as they carrs their subsistence on them). I have already painted a baggage train for my Orcs and Goblins army. Now it's the Dwarfs' turn.
My baggage train is a big one, mostly composed of Dwarf civilians I own for a long time. You will notice the famous Bugman's cart. It will follow my Dwarf army to provide its thirsty warriors with fresh and excellent beer. Actually, there is another beer cart in the baggage train. This one is driven by a young and nice barmaid that could be serving beer at the Oktober Fest. The Dwarfs should have enough beer for the first weeks (or days?) of the campaign. This cart is manufactured by Red Bard Games.
Another cart (also from Red Bard Games) will join the train. This is a tiny house (maybe the general of the army's quarters) on the back of a Highlands cow.
The Dwarfs also need to repair their weapons and armours after each battle. So a mobile forge will be following the army. This miniature is a plastic one coming from a recent Citadel set. The forge is nornally pulled by a horse, but I don't have it.
Finally, a pack mule from Wargames Foundry will be carrying lots of things on its back.
Group Shots
Dwarf Sappers
They work in team of two models and you can have twelve of them in your Dwarf army. They are the sappers. What can they do? They can build stockades (counts as hard cover and defended obstacle) at a rate of 1" per team member per turn. They can also build bridges, also at a rate of 1" per team member per turn, the bridge is 1 1/2" wide. And finally, they can demolish walls, buildings and other constructions.
Very useful indeed.
These miniatures are all from the golden age of Citadel.
Group Shots
Norse Dwarfs
Although they live in their own citadels (like Kraka Drak or Kraka Ornsmotek) within the mountains of Norsca, the Norse Dwarfs are incorporated in the Norse army along their human allies.
Here are twelve tattooed old school miniatures that could be aligned as Norse Dwarf Berserkers or Norse Dwarf Troll Slayers.
Plus five plastic Norse Dwarf Warriors to complete an existing unit (now 40 warriors with this addition).
Berserkers/Troll Slayers
Bodyguards of the Emperor
Joining the Reiksguard is considered a military and social honour amongst the nobility, and barons, dukes and counts clamour to have their sons accepted in such an acclaimed brotherhood. The Reiksguards are the personal guards of the Emperor. They also protects his domains and march to war under his banner.
I've started painting this unit something like 25 years ago... 12 of them were completeled, but - of course - the paintjob was not to my current standards. So I've repainted them along with the 8 others.
Group Shots
O&G Cavalry
Hi there,
Back to my Orcs and Goblins army, just for this unit, next should be an Empire unit. Today, we've got 10 Snortas riding their favourite boars. These guys are recent (old school) sculpts from Red Bard Games. 3D printed in resin (you receive them printed, you don't print them). And they come with their banner as a PDF file you can download from the manufacturer website. Ah and their amazing shields are also part of the delivery.
They are pretty cool and well in the spirit of the old Citadel minis by Kev Adams.
Group Shots
Greenfield Grasshuggers
Long time no Blood Bowl post. At last, here is one brand new painted team (the tenth): the GREEEEENFIELD GRASSHUUUUUGGERS !!! Terrific, no ? 😉
New Beastmen
25 new Beastmen with halberds/spears join the Chaos horde. These are a mix of 5th edition (I guess) beastmen and old school minis by Bob Olley and Jes Goodwin.
They are led by a Slaangor sculpted by Jes Goodwin. The standard depicts the logo of W:O:A (Wacken Open Air - one of the largest heavy metal festivals in the world).
Group Shots
Bondsmen Archers and Seers
Back to the Norse army with these 15 old-school Bondsmen Archers (now 40 painted in total). The two guys that are taller than the old Citadel minis are from V&V Miniatures.