After completing the units for my Norse army, I still had some Norse minis to paint, mainly characters and civilians, and some sort of fighters/barbarians that I was at first planning to include in my Norse army, but then changed my mind.
These miniatures are from Red Box Games, Reaper Miniatures and Hasslefree Miniatures.
Red Box Games
Bondis (perfect for my Norse baggage train).
Tradkarl the Wanderer (would be fine as the baggage train leader)
Kettil the Grim (damnit, I didn't see the pictures were blurred). |
Einrafn the Long Strider (blurred also ðŸ˜).
Weglaf the White Haired (well, he will need to choose another nickname...).
Arnulf the Mighty, Jarl of Utherby |
Gravarg the Elder |
Yngleif SilverHair |
Astrid of the Stones |
Ejrvindr the Far Seeing |
Reaper Miniatures
Hania, Ghostmane Warrior (giant Werewolf)
Sigurd, Viking Human Barbarian, Mercenary Sergeant |
Nadezhda the White, Ice Sorceress |
Hakon, Iconic Skald, human bard |
Hasslefree Miniatures
Ferrus, grizzled warrior (this guy wears too much armour to be a Norse, I will then use him as a templar (e.g. a White Wolf Templar)).
Ulfred (I think we can call him Ragnar Lothbrok, no?)
Grond, Half-Ogre warrior
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