After painting a unit constituted of different miniatures (I mean no duplicate in the unit and different hair and clothes colours), I'm speaking of the Wardancers, here's again such a unit (with mixed skin tones, hair colours, etc.): Chaos Thugs. The remaining 25 Chaos Thugs in my Chaos army, 20 others were painted a while ago.
Most of them are classic Citadel miniatures from the 80s, they are led by a Chaos Marauder sculpted by the master Jes Goodwin. Five, including the standard bearer, are from Knightmare Miniatures (the Pantheon of Chaos range) and four others are from Diehard Miniatures (note that they also have mounted Thugs!).
Group Shots
All from Diehard Miniatures.
All from Knightmare Miniatures.
The Chaos Marauder leading the unit.
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