Athelorn Avengers

This is my second Blood Bowl elven team. As most of my elf minis were used for the Elfheim Eagles team, I found cheaper minis on Comixinos (mainly linemen) than the (almost) unfindable or way too expensive old Citadel models. The team is completed by a mighty Treeman (from Willy Miniatures).

We'll see how they do this season in a division usually dominated by the Darkside Cowboys and in which they'll compete against other Treemen and Halflings (the Greenfield Grasshuggers).

Group Shots



15) Greybranch Oakwillow (and his little friend: "Titi" the bird)

6) Elrond Farsight (thrower) - 12) Torgaliel Goodswing (kicker) - 13) Ulliamir Northstar (thrower)

3) Valmor Lightstep (catcher) - Lunmor Elfpride (blitzer) - 16) no name (benchwarmer)

4) Lorendar Bladedance (catcher) - 7) Jordel Silverspur (blitzer) - 2) Dolfar Longstride (catcher)

Linemen: 10) Tom Ashfield - 8) Aaron Steelwind - 14) Sirandil Dawnsinger

Linemen: 17) no name (benchwarmer) - 11) Jem Goldstar - 18) no name (benchwarmer) - 9) Cloud Spiralthorn

And the superstar & team captain: 1) Luarn Freshbreeze "The Cyclone" (catcher)

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