The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 10


The Norse Dwarfs charge the Elven Lords in the back. The Elf heroes don't panic.

The skirmishing crossbowmen shoot at the glade runners but without inflicting wounds.

The last remaining crewman of the flame cannon tries to fire but something goes wrong and the machine explodes, killing the poor Dwarf instantly:

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 9

Dwarf - Turn 9

On the Dwarf right flank, the Norse Dwarf warriors descend down the hill to engage the Elven Lords.

During the shooting phase, the bolt thrower aims at the glade runners but miss them. The skirmishing crossbowmen cause one wound to the war eagle rid by Sirwing Feathermoon.

On the left flank, Skrag is still surrounded by the warrior kinbands. Annoyed by these many frail insects, the mighty Ogre leader angrily kills three of them. But is hit in return in the back and sustains one wound.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 8

DWARF - Turn 8

The Dwarf fighting troops are almost all already engaged in hand-to-hand combat. After defeating the beasts pack, the Norse Dwarfs now head for the fight opposing the Ironbreakers and the Elven Lords.


The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 7

Dwarf - Turn 7

Willing to slay more Wood Elves, Skrag The Slaughterer charges the second unit of Warrior Kinbands:

Woods by Citadel

OK, this is something I would probably never have bought: plastic woods by Citadel... But I must admit that if this piece of scenery is correcty painted, it is adding a nice and realistic touch to the battlefield.

So, when I received a gift voucher (for the local hobby store selling GW products) from my stepson for Christmas, I was of course happy to receive such a gift. But I asked to myself "what am I going to buy there ?...". Apart paints and brushes, I didn't buy any Citadel minis for years. Well, this is not exactly true, I buy Oldhammer minis from eBay, but not the new stuff.

However, I found it was a shame to buy paints and brushes with a gift voucher. So I went to the store and - among several other minis I bought with the voucher - I found a box of these nice trees. I said above that I would probably not buy them because: they are expensive and fragile (and honestly a pain in the a... to build). But considering it's a gift, it's OK for me.

So now, here they are, painted.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 6

Dwarf - Turn 6

On the Dwarf left flank, Prince Ulther's Dragon Company finally joins the fight. Its warriors charge the shapechangers in the back while they are engaged in combat with Skrag The Slaughterer. The Elfs panic and flee, but they will not go far: the three of them are hacked by the Dwarfs and the Ogre commander.

Dwarf Slayers

After painting around 150 Chaos figs since the beginning of the year, I decided to do something else... 😋

So here comes a second Slayers unit for my Dwarf Army (I've already 10 of these mad guys, painted three years ago or so). But this time, these are Giant Slayers + Heroes.

The two identical figs with the hammer are rather Troll Slayers than Giant Slayers. These are from Marauder. But I have enough Troll Slayers (non-painted) to reach the 3rd edition Armies limitation. So I decided to count them as Giant Slayers.

The other figs are from Citadel, except the two high level heroes (last two pics of this post): they are from Avatars of War.

Group Shots: