
My progresses in painting my O&G army are going well. This time I've painted some reinforcements for existing units, adding 6 Orc Boyz to the 24 already painted and 20 Gobbos with spears to the existing unit of 20. 

My aim is to have big units (Orc Boyz units will be 30 strong, the max allowed by the 3rd ed. Armies, and Gobbos units will be at least 40 strong). O&G weakness is their poor leadership and cool skills. I want to avoid them fleeing due to missile fire losses. So the more numerous they are, the highest their chances to reach the enemy lines will be.

Ah and I also painted 2 additional Goblin Fanatics (now I have 9).

The Orc Boyz are from the old Citadel regiment plastic range and the Gobbos are a mix of 1) 4th edition monopause plastic minis and 2) proxies from Black Tree Design

Orc Boyz

Gobbos - Group Shots

Gobbos - 4th Edition Plastic

Gobbos - Black Tree Design


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