A Gloomy Place

I had all scenery to match the random battlefield generation table for competition games, except a graveyard. This is now complete.

The statue and the mausoleum are recent plastic buildings from Citadel. The tombstones come from Fenris Games (if you are interested in buying them, you better have to be patient, I received mine more than one month after ordering them).

Greenskins on Wheels

I've painted three chariots to complete my O&G army. The Goblin chariots are from Knightmare Miniatures and the Snotling Pump Wagon is - of course - the old and exceptional Citadel version.


Once again I have painted some alternative Oldhammer minis coming from Knightmare Miniatures: Orc Gruntas riding powerful war boars.

These figures do not come with a standard bearer, so I made a little conversion by cutting the arm holding a standard on a 4th edition Savage Orc boar boy. I have also swapped two of the minis weapons for diversity purpose.

Group Shots