Norse Characters and Civilians

After completing the units for my Norse army, I still had some Norse minis to paint, mainly characters and civilians, and some sort of fighters/barbarians that I was at first planning to include in my Norse army, but then changed my mind.

These miniatures are from Red Box Games, Reaper Miniatures and Hasslefree Miniatures. 

Red Box Games

Bondis (perfect for my Norse baggage train).

Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess

I enjoyed painting this wonderful miniature (from Reaper Miniatures). This Frost Giant Princess will be a nice addition to my Norse army. Additionally, she's of the same size as the two other Giants (or Jotuns) I have painted some time ago (here and here, both from the Blood Rage boardgame).

Of Wolf and Man (2)

This is the last unit of my Norse army, now all are painted. These guys (the Ulfwerenars) can be devastating provided that 1) they reach the enemy lines safely, 2) they change form when expected...

Next post will be about Norse characters, civilians and other surprises.

Group Shots