Back to Dwarfs. At least for this unit of 20 classic Dwarfs that will be used as Clansmen in my Dwarf Army.

This blog is about my hobby: collecting and painting miniatures (mainly fantasy) and playing epic Warhammer battles (mainly 3rd edition). The blog's name is a contraction of Old Metal (lead miniatures referring to Oldhammer) and the famous song 'Metal Militia' from Metallica (yes, I'm a great fan of Metal music).
The Colours of Chaos (3)
Some new additions to the followers of Khorne, Tzeentch and Slaanesh.
All Beastmen sculpted by the master Jes Goodwin.
Chaos Knights
Finding "second hand" Chaos Knights (the old ones, labelled as "Chaos Steeds & Riders" and designed by Trish Morrison, Nick Bibby and the Perry brothers) is very difficult and mostly very expensive. Over the years, I have managed to collect 10 of them, one after the other, when their price was affordable. Some came without legs, only the torso was available. To cope with this, I have bought legs of latest editions. I had also bought the steeds without riders sometimes.
Anyway, here they are, painted in a red-black-bronze khornish theme for unit cohesion.
Group Shots
Miscellaneous Miniatures
Looking for minis for my WFRP Norsca campaing, I've recently found some interesting ones from Artisan Guild (Northmen Huskarls, 3D printed). Three of these will be the crew for a 3D printed mammoth from Epic Miniatures (Ice Age Madness range) that will join my norse army for WFB. The Mammoth is big, but not enough in my opinion. I should have asked for a higher scale, but it will be OK on the tabletop.
Then, we have four Wraiths, also by Artisan Guild, that will be facing the PCs along with their master (a Lich I have painted last month) at the end of the next scenario.
Finally, we have a Valkyrie from Clay Cyanide Miniatures, also 3D printed, that might come to the PCs help, sent by the norse god of the dead, Helenir, should they need it when fighting the many undead they will encounter in this scenario.
Norse Fighters
Norsca Campaign PC and NPCs
Some miniatures painted for my home-made Warhammer FRP (v1) campaign set in Norsca. All are from Reaper Miniatures.
We have:
- A Hill Giant Hunter with his pet, a Dire Tiger. In my campaign, they will be NPCs the party could meet while travelling across the Frostheim Mountains.
- A Lich. It will be the "end boss" of the next scenario. A very powerful opponent that could cost the PCs some Faith Points.
- A paladin whose name by Reaper Minis is 'Sir Broderick, Crusaders Captain. This miniature will be used to represent a new PC joining the party, a cleric of Ulric wielding a magical two-handed hammer.
I had pleasure painting each of them. The Hill Giant and the Dire Tiger are plastic figures, while the two others are metal.
Hill Giant & Dire/Sabre-Tooth Tiger
Northgard - Wilderness
These are the monsters from the second Northgard extension 'Wilderness'. They are incorporated in the same deck as the creatures from the basic game but are more powerful, the deadliest being the Wyvern.
This extension also comes with new extra tiles.
Northgard - Creatures
These are the creatures populating Northgard and that the clans may encounter while exploring the map. Their behaviour depend on the creature. Bears are attracted by constructions. Wolves are attracted by resources. Draugr and Fallen Valkyries are attracted by human beings.
These are included in the base board game. The reason why they are painted differently (lighter or heavier tone) is to distinguish them in case several of that type of creature are on the map at the same time. When discovered, each creature is representend by a card.
Northgard - Warchiefs
I've painted the Northgard Warchiefs (from the so called boardgame extension). They were quite fun to paint.
Northgard is a PC game released in 2017. The player leads a viking clan which has landed on a new continent (Northgard). The player's clan competes with other viking clans for domination over this new continent. There are several ways of winning the game: reaching a certain level of fame (in combination with a certain number of possessed territories within the map + building a king's altar), reaching a certain level of lore (+ building a special monument), capturing Yggdrasil (the world tree), reaching a certain level of commercial exchanges, reforging Odin's sword, etc.
Four new Trolls join my Orcs & Goblins army (or could by aligned in a Chaos army as well). I tried different skin tones as Trolls could be of any colour.
The Colours of Chaos (2)
Although my (painted) Chaos army increases in size on a regular basis and is quite big now (around 300 painted Chaos minis), most of the Chaos champions (sculpted by Jes Goodwin) still need to be painted. I will rectify this by painting some from time to time, alternatively with minis for other armies.
Here are four Chaos champions and two sorcerers, along with two familiars (these are not from Citadel, and honestly I don't remember where I got them from... 😕).
Greenskins Firepower
Back to my Orc & Goblin army, I've painted these guys to add some firepower.
First, the legendary Orc crossbowmen designed by Kev Adams. The biggest of them will act as their leader and is from Knightmare Miniatures.
Then, we have a "Goblin Ass Cannon" (which will certainly count as a mortar in terms of rules) from Red Bard Games.
And finally, an Orc shaman mounted on a war boar (also from Red Bard Games).
Crossbowmen orcs
Norse Characters and Civilians
After completing the units for my Norse army, I still had some Norse minis to paint, mainly characters and civilians, and some sort of fighters/barbarians that I was at first planning to include in my Norse army, but then changed my mind.
These miniatures are from Red Box Games, Reaper Miniatures and Hasslefree Miniatures.
Red Box Games
Bondis (perfect for my Norse baggage train). |
Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess
I enjoyed painting this wonderful miniature (from Reaper Miniatures). This Frost Giant Princess will be a nice addition to my Norse army. Additionally, she's of the same size as the two other Giants (or Jotuns) I have painted some time ago (here and here, both from the Blood Rage boardgame).
Of Wolf and Man (2)
This is the last unit of my Norse army, now all are painted. These guys (the Ulfwerenars) can be devastating provided that 1) they reach the enemy lines safely, 2) they change form when expected...
Next post will be about Norse characters, civilians and other surprises.