
"Thralls are the slave classof the Norse. They are recruited into armed bands in times of trouble. Such times are common and the Thralls are often armed to fight off neighbouring Norse kingdoms or rampaging Goblins. Despite their lowly status, Thralls are really as bloodthirsty as the rest of the Norse society, and thoroughly enjoy the chance to suspend the monotony of drudgery for the excitement of battle."

Here are 40 Thralls added to my growing Norse army. In the Norse society, Thralls' clothing was made of woolen and undyed knee-lenght tunic, that's the reason why I have avoided to paint their clothing with vivid colours. They all bear shields with the Jarl's colours.

Group Shots

The Last Wood Elf Archers

With these last Wood Elf archers, my WE army is finally completely painted! 💪😇

These 30 archers are from different periods. Some are Jes Goodwin's 3rd edition, some are old Lord of the Ring elven archers, some are from 4th edition (the ugly ones with disproportionate weapons and equipment) and even 5th edition.

I'll take some pictures of the whole army when I'll have time.

Group Shots