Dwarf Army - at last a real Army Banner

I was struggling to find a decent mini to bear the grand banner of my Dwarf army. Finally, I decided to convert one of my Marauder heroes to play this role. And recently, I found an amazing banner transfer from Little Big Men Studios.

And here is the result:

Elven Attack Chariot

I finally managed to paint one of the legendary Citadel machines of destruction, one of the best (in my opinion) minis ever produced by Citadel: the MD4 Elven Attack Chariot.

The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 12

Dwarfs - Turn 12

On the  middle of the battlefield, the hammerers start crossing the river to engage the warrior kinbands and the Wood Elf heroes.


The Battle of East-Loren - Turn 11

Dwarfs - Turn 11

The battlefield is now nearly empty... The combats were fierce and devastating.

Dwarf Kings and Rune Masters

Although I play only Warhammer Battle 3rd edition, I own some of the 4th and 5th editions Dwarf Kings and Rune Masters and I wanted to paint them for a long time. This is now done.

Now, I will need to find suitable rules to align them in 3rd edition battles... This should not be an issue for Rune Masters, I can simply consider them as wizards. But for the Throne of Power and Anvil of Doom, this will be another story.

High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer on his Throne of Power