Looking for minis for my WFRP Norsca campaing, I've recently found some interesting ones from Artisan Guild (Northmen Huskarls, 3D printed). Three of these will be the crew for a 3D printed mammoth from Epic Miniatures (Ice Age Madness range) that will join my norse army for WFB. The Mammoth is big, but not enough in my opinion. I should have asked for a higher scale, but it will be OK on the tabletop.
Then, we have four Wraiths, also by Artisan Guild, that will be facing the PCs along with their master (a Lich I have painted last month) at the end of the next scenario.
Finally, we have a Valkyrie from Clay Cyanide Miniatures, also 3D printed, that might come to the PCs help, sent by the norse god of the dead, Helenir, should they need it when fighting the many undead they will encounter in this scenario.