Norsca Campaign PC and NPCs

Some miniatures painted for my home-made Warhammer FRP (v1) campaign set in Norsca. All are from Reaper Miniatures. 

We have:

- A Hill Giant Hunter with his pet, a Dire Tiger. In my campaign, they will be NPCs the party could meet while travelling across the Frostheim Mountains.

- A Lich. It will be the "end boss" of the next scenario. A very powerful opponent that could cost the PCs some Faith Points.

- A paladin whose name by Reaper Minis is 'Sir Broderick, Crusaders Captain. This miniature will be used to represent a new PC joining the party, a cleric of Ulric wielding a magical two-handed hammer.

I had pleasure painting each of them. The Hill Giant and the Dire Tiger are plastic figures, while the two others are metal.

Hill Giant & Dire/Sabre-Tooth Tiger