"The Altdorf Company of Honour, also known as the Sons of the Reik, are a Reikland regiment of highly-trained and highly-equipped troops dedicated to the service of the Emperor and the city of Altdorf.
This highly distinguished regiment recruits exclusively from other
Altdorf regiments, picking only the best and bravest men out of the many
units that garrison the city in order to keep up with their fearsome
reputation as an elite fighting force.
Other soldiers instantly recognise the regiment thanks to their
distinctive appearance of yellow plumes and black steel armour, with
their battlefield history soaked in tales of glory and victory.
Traditionally led by the youngest son of one of the city's noble houses,
the current Captain of this regiment is Otto Helstein,
a valiant warrior eager to make his mark upon this world. Every Altdorf
native knows the distinctive trumpet blast that announces when the
regiment leaves the city gates for a distant campaign, and all of them
offer praises to Sigmar to ensure the safe return of Altdorf's most favoured sons."