Goblins... They also have the right to play Blood Bowl 😉 even though no Goblin team has ever had more victories in a season than losses. None has ever won its division. But they continue to play for the greate pleasure of their fans.
Goblins can actually do a good deal of damages to their opponents with the secret weapons they often use in match, such as chainsaw, bombs and so on. Trolls are also often hired by Goblin teams, they add considerable strength to the team.
I wanted to have a Goblin team in my league. At first, I opted for the Lowdown Rats. But finally I choose the Scarcrag Snivellers. The reason behind this choice is the team's colours. Lowdown Rats are in black and pink. Another team including Gobs will be part of the league: the Underworld Creepers (colours: black and red). I've painted the Scarcrag Snivellers in grey/green and purple/red colours. The result is OK.
The team is containing 9 star players! I know it's too much, but you may know that in Blood Bowl 2nd edition, Goblins and Halflings have twice less star player points than any other races (when you throw the dices for the number of SPP, you halve the result). And I wanted them to have a little chance to at least win one match (actually, they might do better... we'll see...).
Two (star player) Trolls are part of the team, as well as a Fanatic (pogo-stick). Two other Gobs with secret weapons (chainsaw and bombs) may join the team in the future. So I've painted these minis in the team's colours. I particullarly like the one with the chainsaw (its name is supposed to be 'Nobbla Blackwart', but in my team this name is already attributed to a star lineman).
For this new season, the Scarcrag Snivellers will be in the same division as the Chaos All-Stars and the Bright Crusaders... 😰
Group Shots