As per the Armies book, I need to fill at least 20 Stickas (Goblins with short bows). Short bows... 😒
The range of a short bow is a ridiculous 16"! These guys will need to come really close to the enemy so they can fire at it (or try to). This looks like they are of no real interest for an Orc & Goblin general. But that's wrong!
First, deploy them as skirmishers so they can screen the combat units marching behind them. Then, hide some Goblin fanatics among them... and you get a very useful unit to seriously annoy the opposite general.
I've put together a mixed band of Stickas: Kev Adams' Heartbreaker minis, forest Goblins, old plastic Gobs from the Fantasy Regiments boxed set and recent plastic Gobs (for 6th edition or so, I think). I don't like these last ones: they are disproportionate, not as cool as Kev Adams' Gobs, they are supposed to have short bows but their bows are as large as Elven longbows... 😤 Well, at least they make the number. I've bought them a couple of years ago when I had no Greenskins and I needed some for an encounter in one of my WFRP games.
The Stickas